Stressed kinda long

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So my husband is in the military and we live in hawaii but were getting ready to move in july but as of right now me and my husband are the only ones the military will pay to fly because our daughter is not command sponsored and his oldest just moved out here a couple of months ago with us so shes not on his orders. So I have a chance to take a military flight home tomorrow with the girls for free and my husband will meet us there in a couple of months but my husband is a little upset that I'm leaving so early because military flights are hard to get so if I can get one now I'm going to take it because we dont have the money to pay for 2 tickets from hawaii to georgia. Another big thing for me is my stepdaughter is about to give me a nerves breakdown I can't deal with her anymore she about brings me to tears some days but I dont have the heart to tell my husband she is a big reason I'm ready to go home now because she will go back with her mom. I dont know what to do.


  • How in the world did your daughter not get command sponsored she should have been on his page two and I know for my son to even receive tricare benefits I had to have a command sponsorship letter when he was born?...either way I would tell your husband to just suc@k it up for a couple of months, because I was stationed in hawaii and girl I feel your pain on those airline tickets they are free. Besides two months is a walk in the park for any military spouse that has made it through deployments and got this! Lol
  • The only reason shes not command sponsored is because she was born in maryland when he was deployed and when we found out she wasn't command sponsored we didnt have a year left on island and they wouldnt add her. 2 months will be a cake walk and a much needed break that I need
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