i dont know if we should have named our baby this

edited May 2011 in Baby names
Please I'm not trying to get bashed!

Now my bf and named our daughter amirah which is a beautiful name. It means princess. But with its origin I'm kinda scared she may get discriminated against cause of a certain religion that comes with it. All because of what our country is dealing with and the miss judgment against that religion. The religion isn't the ones even part of the war. I just don't want anything bad happening to our little baby.


  • I don't think you deserved to get bashed because you're only concerned about your daughters future. I too think that its a beautiful name and I didn't know that it was associated with any particular religion. Did you plan on changing her name?
  • @teuy thank you. Well her dad loves the name and thinks she will be fine and I'm just a worry wart. We wont change her name unless we really think something negative can start or she can go by her middle name. The name is Arabic and I researched it and it turns out amirah is a popular Islamic name. There has been so much hatred towards Muslims and I just don't want her being punished even though she just has the name.
  • Keep the name sweety!!! It's absolutly beautiful!! Don't let peoples stupid misconception worry u!! A lot of people name there child because they like the name not the origin or even the meaning. But u have a beautiful name and meaning!! I mean my real name is spanish, n I definitely am not. You know what am trying to say? ;-) enjoy ur sweet princess ;-)
  • Yea hatred towards anyone because of religion is ignorant and most people [especially if you live in america] probably won't know that its arabic. Everything will be fine.
  • Thank you ladies. I feel better. It was a battle lol to find a name to begin with cause we couldn't agree. But now she's 23 days so I really want to keep her name since I already got her ssn
  • Most ppl probably won't even make that association. Don't worry :)
  • My brother had his baby the other day n she's named the same thing. I think is a pretty name, n he named her that because of what it means...... Keep the name
  • I don't think people will be worried about what religion her name is. If a person is worried about what religion her name is they apparently have way too much time on their hands!!
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  • I think it wil be fine. I would not jump to amy conclusions with that name in terms of religion. It's very pretty.
  • My sons name is Bishop. At first I got a whole lot of "Oh are you catholic?" Or even worse i was called a bad mother ecause of the molestations involved with the catholic religion we all hear about.

    It stopped but you just have to ignore it. If you love it thats great! Most people wouldnt catch on to the meaning of yours anyway I know I would not have given it a second thought. Love it by the way :-)
  • I doubt you will get based for the name..its beautiful..my BF is African so the baby will have an American and African name..but it doesn't worry me..
  • its a beautiful name and i would hope that the only ones that would criticize would be other children .. and if thats the case you dont have much too worry about alot of children arent going to know the origin of a name..
  • I think it sounds really pretty. I didn't associate it with anything Islamic. It sounds so elegant for a little girl. I wouldn't worry.
  • My friend is black her daughter is tht name round me all mixed black n white or black girls have tht name. Ppl obviously don't look at origin no more lol hence all the black aiden's or any name with it in the name which is Celtic aka Irish Scottish which means ball of fire or redhead child lol.
  • Thank you everyone. I have a question off the subject but does anyone know how long for a mixed baby to get its color? My daughter is half black and she looks like a different race everyday lol. Her daddy is pretty dark so I'm curious what complexion she will get. I can't wait :) oh and has anyone had an iud?
  • @proudmomma I was also wondering abt the color my little boy is white/blk his dad is pretty light skinned but right my lil boy is white with all his dads features ..he is so cute
  • Well this is crazy my cousin and his wife just named their daughter amira and his wife just so happens to be of the muslim faith...if anybody is gonna sit and analyze that name and start judging then they are idiots i say go for it its a beautiful name for beautiful little girls nomatter religion
  • @ebbry89 yea my bf is Muslim also. When we decided the name we had no idea lol we got it from shaq lol
  • Lmao see names are just names that is a big coincidence
  • I didn't make the connection til you said anything. I think it is a pretty name. Id keep it :)
  • I dnt thnk she will hav a hard time mine n my bfs names r Arabic n wen I tell ppl my name thy actually like it especially Muslim men...my whole family is muslim but my dad never made me garb...btw my name is Sadiqa meaning truthful/sincere
  • @beauty0710 your name is pretty. I'm feeling good about her name now. Thank you :)
  • My cousin gave her baby that name. It's a beautiful, unique name. I would keep it :)
  • Its a beautiful name with a beautiful meaning I went to school with a girl named that and it never went through my mind the religion of the name just the origin and what it meant because its so beautiful
  • @Proudmama thnk u I'm named after my grandmom
  • I agree you should keep it. Don't let peoples ignorance determine your daughters beautiful name. I think it is gorgeous personally and all that matters is the good things people have to say :)
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