Braxton Hicks vs Actual Labor.

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 29 weeks pregnant, (almost 30) with my first baby and I'm not sure what to look out for. I'm kinda scared and nervous seeing as I've had bad complications throughout this whole pregnancy such as puking after I eat, and chest pains. I've heard about Braxton Hicks but what are the symptoms, and how do I know whether it's actual labor or not?.. I just wanna be prepared. Can anybody give me info? I appreciate the tips.


  • Good question this is my 1 St as well
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  • A contraction wraps around your back then to your front and feels like cramping while tightening your uterus really hard.. whereas braxton hicks are (usually) pain free, just tightening of the uterus..
  • Braxton hicks to me feel like period cramps.
  • Braxton hicks are painless contractions that are irregular real labor pains feel as hard as u make a fist with ur uterus and ur back pain will feel like a charlie horse that wraps around to ur front thats regular
  • Braxton hicks are mild and irregular. Real contractions hurt, get more intense and longer with time. You will know the difference.
  • Alright. Thanks ladies. @happy_mommy2be congrats! And good luck. (:
  • same tew yuh
  • Labor pains r so bad I swear its like cramping but hurts ten times worse n u have these huge pressure n ur vajay jay area n u feel like u got to pee bad ..
  • Now im really scared. This is my first so I don't really know anything about labor pain or braxton hicks. Cuz I feel pain sometimes and I thought its was juz stomach ache or somthing.
  • I'm kinda scared too, but I just try to stay calm and positive. When are you due islandgirl?
  • Braxton Hicks don't get closer or more intense.
    Real contractions get closer and more severe.
    Have you read any books on pregnancy written by an OB/GYN?
  • I feel real contractions into my hips like the baby is moving down.
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