i remember when..
I could see my feet
I could sleep comfortably on my stomach and through the night
Smells didn't drive me crazy
There wasn't a small child playing kickball with my kidney
I could drink whatever I wanted when I wanted
I could sleep comfortably on my stomach and through the night
Smells didn't drive me crazy
There wasn't a small child playing kickball with my kidney
I could drink whatever I wanted when I wanted
When I was at a weight I was comfortable with
when I could drink and smoke:(
When I could shave my legs
when I didn't have to pee every hour
When I didn't have heartburn 24/7
When I could go number 2 on a regular basis. Lol
When I wasn't constantly worried
When I only had to worry about my health
When I didn't have greasy hair half way through the day
When I didn't have spots
When I didn't have sore nipples
When my boobs were a comfortable size
When I could eat anything without getting heartburn.
When I didn't have to roll on my side to get out of bed.
When I didn't pee on myself everytime I sneeze.
When putting pants on didn't take me 20mins
When not getting out of breath getting dressed
When I could walk not waddle
When goin toilet an not being obsessed with with checking toilet paper after I wiped everytime tmi ha ha
When my breathing (not snoring just breathing) didn't keep him awake.
When I could make it through a single day without crying.
When my rings fit me.
When my clothes fit.
When i could shave my coochie without using a mirror.
When i could eat and drink whatever i wanted.
When i had a waist.
When i didnt waddle.
When i didnt discuss my poop or lack of poop with my husband.
When i could walk the whole grocery store without feeling tired and out of breathe.