Short term disability?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Sorry if this posts twice, my phone is being dumb. Anyways, does anyone know if short term disability can be claimed for maternity leave? I pay for it through my employer. A month ago I asked my boss and she said I only get fmla unpaid and they dont pay for maternity leave....maybe she forgot about my short term or maybe shes just full of it??


  • I have short term disability thru my job and it covers maternity leave.
  • I got short term disability when I had my second baby
  • Thanks! Im def looking into it on my own. I dont trust my boss one bit.
  • You can absolutely use short term, the only way u cannot is if u try buying into it AFTER you find out that you're pregnant, then they consider it a pre-exsisting condition but if u've already been paying into it then you should be golden! It's a wonderful thing to have!!
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