I commented on your page th same thing but I noticed almost noone lioks/writes back on th comments so im posting this up.
Hopefully you read it...
I just read all th comments on my post "abort or not to.." I found interestin what you said but I couldn't comment on it since it was closed... But my question being where in th bible does it say tht God doesn't lik people to use birth control or plan b? Personally, I never done either.. Even though I was bein pressured to do plan b but I refused to bc I felt lik if God wants me to have a baby then it'll happen. Im not going to prevent a life to be made but I never knew it was biblical. So im wonderin where does it say tht ?
@everyone im not lookin for drama. Just an answer... K thanks.
Hopefully you read it...
I just read all th comments on my post "abort or not to.." I found interestin what you said but I couldn't comment on it since it was closed... But my question being where in th bible does it say tht God doesn't lik people to use birth control or plan b? Personally, I never done either.. Even though I was bein pressured to do plan b but I refused to bc I felt lik if God wants me to have a baby then it'll happen. Im not going to prevent a life to be made but I never knew it was biblical. So im wonderin where does it say tht ?
@everyone im not lookin for drama. Just an answer... K thanks.
Thou shall not kill
It doesn't give qualifiers, so to me it means do not kill anyone. A baby concieved is a human at any stage of development. Different names were placed on diff gestational ages by man to justify abortion. In the bible it calls the unborn and born the same thing babies. No qualifiers, just babies. I hope that helps.
Her post questioned abortion and plan b. Not birth control. One prevents conception, the other ends a life. Two different things.
It says nothing in the bible about preventing conception that Ive found. Her first post was about aborting or not... I just figured it was a typo.
I find birth control to be a personal choice. It's up to the individual to choose to prevent conception. I don't see anything wrong w it.
I just personally wouldn't choose either of the other two.
I just wanted to share!! You think like me!!
In the Old Testament, God punishes Israel for corruption by preventing childbirth and pregnancies. God views this of contraception as a punishment, not a positive action. Self-induced contraception is certainly not a great scientific accomplishment. Moses viewed being barren and avoiding children as sickness or a blemish.
Nothing against what any of you are saying, just wanted to show where it was in the bible. I myself will not be taking birth control! God will not give me more then a can bare!
Ezek. 16:4-6,20-22;Amos 1:13-15
Abortion-Defending The Innocent:
Althought the Bible does not specifically adress the subject of abortion,scripture clearly regards the unborn child as fully human life.This life is to be protected in the same way that God calls us to defend the lives of all innocent human beings.
Jesus affirmed the value of unborn life in the womb through His Incarnation-coming as a baby rather than arriving on earth as an adult.
The existence of a person is established at conception .God had plans for you before you were born,and He tells you He has been your God since before your birth.
The unborn child is to be protected because the child is a life (Ex.21:22-25) ;God does get angry over the killing of unborn children.An unintended pregnancy canbe difficult for a woman and her family,but God wantsboth the woman and her unborn child to be protected and cherished.
Birth Control:
Certain biblical premises must be recognized before making any decision regarding birth control.First,children are regarded by God as a blessing to be welcomed into the home of a married couple (Ps.127:3).God is intricately involved in the formation of life in the womb,and He plans that life before the child is born.
Birth control,when viewed as a stewardship of procreation is neither categorically affirmed nor expressly forbidden by Scripture.A decision to limit or plan the bearing of children should be a directive from God and not merely a decision based on self-centered convenience.For example,birth control is not acceptable to prevent the consequences of sins like fornication and adultery,which are condemned by God.
Sexual relations within the context of marriage are designed by God for the exspession of intamacyand love as well as for procreation.A Christian must seek God's leadershipbefore using any natural or artificial means of birth control.No method of birth control that brings death to an innocent human life is moral.In addition,irreversible forms of birth control should be weighed seriously.While the Bible does not condemn childlessness,a married couple should recognize that fruitful marriage is a biblical norm,and they would do well to consider the heritage God may have planned for them in ushering in and rearing the generation to come.
For example: miscariage,infertility,marriage,ect...