if ualready had a baby before

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Just curious how did u feel. When u went into labor...everyone feels different ....I had huge pressure n felt like I had to pee bad n also cramping with my last n I felt tired for two days like I had a flu...I wonder bout these one..


  • edited May 2011
    I didnt have bad pains like everyone said. It felt like braxton hicks.. But was the real deal. I felt exhausted while in labor although it wasnt painful and didnt seem like it took much outta me.. Like i had just walked a mile. My whole bottom half was sore including my feet and legs. It was weird.
  • i cant remember but thats how ive felt last 2 days due tomoz thanks for giving me hope
  • edited May 2011
    I was feeling great the whole pregnancy ..the night I started getting contractions we went out to eat and went to a casino w/so much smoke!! ..cam home around 11 ish started cramping..but didn't really know they were contractions ..I felt like I had to shit the whole time..no lie..I keep goin to the bathroom and trying ..my husband told me to go to the doc.but I didn't want to cus my water didn't break ..well I bleed a little so then we went..and the whole time me trying to go I was pushing my son out..I was 9cm when I got to the hospital ..it hurt pretty much then it was done..
  • I had felt pressure and my stomach was tight, so I went in just to make sure it was normal I was labor and they thought I was going to have my baby. That was at 7 months. Then my due date was coming up so I was at the doctor for my weekly check up and my water looked low and the placenta looked bad she said so that night I was induced. My butt felt numb and I was freezing till I got my epidural. I was in alot of pain but made it to 6cm before I asked for any pain mess I tried going all natural didn't work
  • Sounds like we all had that pressure...
  • I went into the hospital at 6 cm lol normal as could be. My doc was surprised I was walking :) they broke my water and right away I felt majorrr. Contractions! Ouchie.. got the epidural but it didn't work! Only helped the pain a lil... 3 hrs later Charlie was here:)
  • My story would be a book. Let's say I went delirious and went into shock from bein in labor for two weeks n kept bein sent home. Scariest thing ever
  • my bllod pressure was higher, and water broke. Felt like I had to clean everything and get ready for baby.
  • I was just tired, but other then that I didn't feel anything and I was a week late, I got induced a week after my due date.
  • I was in extra pain from the pressure and then my water just broke. I got a shower w my first cause my contractions took 2 hrs to start. No meds. 4 and a half hour labor. Then w second felt the same thing, water broke, 2 and a half hr labor. No meds and I walked around the hospital room until I was 8 cm. This time if they even try to make me sit hooked up to a monitor I will freak out. Im tempted to let my brother in law deliver them at home. He's a cert marine medic and cert emt. I live 5 min from the hospital. I think it's worth thinking about. For me at least.
  • My 1 st felt like someeine had both hands in my @$$hole trying to rip it open lol sorry tmi!!! And when I couldn't take it anymore wasn't to hospital they broke my water was in labor for 11 hrs. My second my water broke in my car I was on my way to the hospital bc of the contractions and was in labor for 6 hrs.
  • But second was not as painful as the first. Hope third goes as easy as second
  • i was extreemly excited and small contractions.. not painful
  • With my first I didn't feel anything untill my water broke and I was in active labor.
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