experiences? castor oil?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I know a lot of ppl think its unsafe and everything but I was just wondering if anyone has tried it and would share their story about it.


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  • I used it with my last pregnancy. It worked like a charm for me. I took it at 7 in the morning the contrax started around 12 and were not very timeable. I stayed home took a nap made a nice dinner went to the hospital and was indeed in labor. I had my baby 3 hours after going in and my labor wasn't as bad as my first 2 and I didn't poop myself popular to some peoples beliefs. I made a orange shake with it because the taste of the oil never leaves your mouth.
  • Worked for everyone in my family that took it...my sister did it about 3 weeks ago...and had my niece less than 24 hours later.
  • Thanks for the input @proudmmyof3 @kailiasmomma05 @mama0811 @homebirthadvocate I made an Orange shake at 645 and nothing has happened yet...maybe its just not time yet or maybe the best is yet to come
  • Let us know how it goes lol. How far along are you?
  • My friend does it everytime and she has 3, I tried it and kept having the runs....so it didnt work for me, but sex does always from the back ! (4me) good luck!
  • @a_wagner How did you make the shake???
  • Lots of Poop... and still pregnant... that was my experience ..
  • I used a few ice cubes, vanilla ice cream, and Orange juice...blended it and added 2 tbsp of the castor oil. Are you suppose to do it a certain way @SOSmommy ?

    I'm 37 weeks @angelsmommy
  • @a_wagner I'd never heard of that... I like the idea!
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  • Idk if I would do it that way again. I guess it all depends on how much u use cause its a lot to take with the castor oil so u can't just chug it. U have to drink it slow.
  • Lol well let me know how it goes im not gonna try it til 40 weeks but atleast i'll know if it works.
  • Yeah, I can't bring myself to do it unless I reach my due date with no labor in sight. I'm too nervous about explosive diarrhea. But please let us know if it works for you!!!!
  • @angelsmommy well like @uncaffeinated_katie said it doesn't work unless your body is ready so I guess its just wishful thinking
  • @SOSmommy well its been 3 hours and no diarrhea or vomiting
  • edited May 2011
    I used about 2 tbsp and drank it with water (honestly didn't taste it but most people say it tastes horrible) I went to bed immediately @midnight. I woke up 4 hours later with HORRIBLE gas pain and cleared my intestines (Tmi) immediately contractions started. The contractions were easier for me than the gas pain. I stayed up and walked around woke my husband and doulas around 7-8 and had a baby slightly after noon. Labor was about 8 hours start to finish. Also I never fell into a "regular" labor pattern. The only way we knew it was time to go to the hospital was I wondered why I had decided against the epidural (I was in transition so it would have been too late to get one anyway) ;) I will note I was 11 days past my due date. We only used it to prevent a pitocin induction. And there was no meconium in my water
  • I did it at 39 weeks with my first pregnancy. I had diarrhea all day, then contractions for a few hours so I went to the hospital and they stopped. I had my son a week later after my membranes were stripped
  • Well maybe you'll be posting i had my baby soon or on my way to l&d.
  • @a_wagner that's great! I hope it works for you, I definitely know why you're trying. I'm so tired of being pregnant!
  • Well @SOSmommy and @angelsmommy nothin happened....at all. I feel a little weird this morning but nothing as of now
  • @a_wagner Sometimes it takes over a little over 24 hrs to work so it could still happen. Keep us updated if anything happens. Did it upset your stomach?
  • Im 31 Weeks Has AnyOne Tryed Rasberry Leaf Tea ? I wanna try it wen im 36/37 weekz
  • @a_wagner, well atleast you had no negative side effects, either! Sorry it didn't work, I was rooting for you.

    @robertzwifey14 I just started drinking it a few days ago. It's not supposed to necessarily start labor, but prepare your uterus. It kinda taste like potpourri to me. lol
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  • Castor oil cleans your bowels out, so it may cause intestinal cramping. Intestinal cramping confuses your uterus into thinking it's supposed to contract. Just like a bladder infection does. It may work for you, and is safe.
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