kind of scary but trying to stay positive

edited May 2011 in October 2011
I had a doctors appointment yesterday and my doctor told me I had a slightly abnormal papsmere on my last visit and mentioned how some rare cells were found on my cervix. So now in a few weeks I have an appointment with a gynocologist and im freaking out because she mentioned those cells could be a sign of cervical cancer if not treated. Of course a pap is not an actual diagnosis so I'm trying to remain positive but I can't help but freak out. She said its possible my body will eliminate the cells on their own or I would have to wait 6 weeks after I deliver to get a biopsy done which is a procedure where they cut out a piece of my cervix for examination. They can't do the procedure now since I'm pregnant and that could cause a misscarriage.

So I was freaking out and earlier I was reading an article that said you shouldn't have sexual intercourse 24-48 hrs before you have a papsmere done because due to the inflamation to the vagina it can cause an abnormal pap result. I know for a fact that I had sex less than 24 hrs prior to my pap so I'm wondering if that could've been the cause of my abnormal pap... wondering if anyone else has been through this I'm hoping for the best and that me participating in sex is the reason for my abnormal pap.


  • I have had an abnormal pap, it was positive for HPV and I had cells that were "high risk" for cervical cancer. HPV usually clears up on its own, and mine did. I never had any problems, and my last pap was normal. It is actually very common to have an abnormal pap, if that makes you feel any better! Try not to worry!
    I don't really know anything about the sex causing false results...but I'd say just try not to think about this too much and worry yourself! Don't freak out!!!
  • Yeah I'm hoping it will just clear up before my next appointment. I know my mother also told me when she was pregnant with me that she had an abnormal pap as well. I know its nothing severe right now so I'm just trying to keep that in mind.
  • My mom, cousin and one of my aunts have all had abnormal paps after further examination all were fine! Don't worry too much!
  • That helps, I guess they are more common than I thought. Its just a scary thing to think of sometimes.
  • I had an abnormal pap and I did get a biopsy while pregnant they just don't go very close to the baby so yes it can be done while pregnant with no harm my result came back that I had it but its in the early stage and could go away on its own if not I will have the surgery to remote it after baby is born actually today in 30 minutes I have a doctor appointment for a colposapy which is to check and see if anything looks different
  • And I was told by doctor that sex does not make a difference in the result
  • Oh really? That's interesting my next appointment with the gyno is for a colopsay to see exactly what the cells could be. My doctor personally said I wouldn't be having a biopsy done while pregnant because of the potential risk involved so I'm hoping for a positive relieving result after my appt. I'm not sure if the sex myth is true but its something I read in an article soni assumed maybe that had an affect on my results. @rihannamom11
  • I had an abnormal simply cuz we had sex the night before. Its probably just that. Every pap since then has been normal!
  • @one5one yeah see I knew that was a possibility. Prior to me having my pap done I had no idea about the sexual encounter 48-72 hours prior. I've read in many articles that that can def be a factor to an abnormal pap result due to the swelling in the vagina after intercourse, so I'm hoping on my next appt everything comes back normal. Its scary being told that espeacially while pregnant.
  • Question: :: if u have an abnormal pap, & thy have to take a piece out of u, wuts tht called?? Srry to ask a question in a question
  • That's called a biopsy when they take a piece of your cervix out for examination.
  • @JnetteP yes its scary!! I've also had an abnormal years before the "had sex the night before" abnormal. The first was due to hpv. But the second was cuz of sex. So if you 2 did the deed then its most likely that. Try not to worry!

    @GirlsLoveInk its a biopsy aka a colposcopy. A biopsy of the cervix.
  • Yes I agree, I'm crossing my fingers but thanks for your input its def calming and relieving to hear I'm not alone on this ♥
  • I have NEVER had a normal one. Lol its totally common!
  • You should be fine I went in today and they said it will take years for anything to happen so as long as you keep seeing the doctor and get it treated you should be fine!! Good luck I hope its nothin
  • Thanks alot ladies! And yes my doc said it takes yearssss for the actual cancer to form ( if that was the case) God forbid but as long as you continue seeingba doc I shouldn't see an issue thanks again ladies! :)
  • As for sex causing an abnormal pap I have no idea but I have had an abnormal pap many times and have only had to have the biopsy done once because they would do another pap first and the second ones almost always came back normal, so hopefully the same happens to you. I hope everything goes well!!
  • I had it for my second pregnancy n I got a biopsy while I was pregnant n I had the first layer taking out will pregnant n I had her just fine
    Good luck n don't worry about it is not good for it baby
  • I had an abnormal pap years ago but everything cleared on it's own.
  • All of my pap smears come back.cuz of abnormal cells on my cervix. And at first they thought it was cancer. But everything always comes back normal.
  • SSo. don't stress. I guess I just have extra cells
  • Thanks a lot ladies hearing this is very reassuring. Since I found out I haven't had any type of sexual encounter with my boyfriend and I know he's a little upset lol I was just so freaked out I didn't want to risk anything but I guess sex shouldn't be an issue as long as ita not the night before the pap. :) @AWHALEY28540 @JESS510 @EXPECTINGBABYNUMBER3 @ JYNXILUVBABY
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  • @Almost4 thanks for the clear up. I've had both done with HPV in 98. Had my daughter in 2000. Never had a problem w HPV since 98.
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  • @JnetteP If there is abnormal cells, likely caused by hpv, they will likely stick around during your pregnancy because pregnancy causes your immune system to drop. Don't stress over it though, your cervix could be normal again by your 6 week postpartum appt as most women clear it on their own and it rarely develops into cancer.
  • Wow @Almost4 very interesting & informative. I quit smoking after my first but did continue toking. I don't know if that makes a difference. But I also had warts which they burned off in 98. Nothing ever came back for me. Had a pap at 6 weekspreggy. Normal. Never heard that they could or should remove any of the cervix. But you do wats right for you. Do u only have problems because of smoking? Or is it because of the strain?
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  • Lol it sure does sound complicated!! I didn't really know the warts clear on their own. & I sure can't believe cigs can flare the hpv up. Wow so much to learn! @Almost4
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