kind of scary but trying to stay positive
I had a doctors appointment yesterday and my doctor told me I had a slightly abnormal papsmere on my last visit and mentioned how some rare cells were found on my cervix. So now in a few weeks I have an appointment with a gynocologist and im freaking out because she mentioned those cells could be a sign of cervical cancer if not treated. Of course a pap is not an actual diagnosis so I'm trying to remain positive but I can't help but freak out. She said its possible my body will eliminate the cells on their own or I would have to wait 6 weeks after I deliver to get a biopsy done which is a procedure where they cut out a piece of my cervix for examination. They can't do the procedure now since I'm pregnant and that could cause a misscarriage.
So I was freaking out and earlier I was reading an article that said you shouldn't have sexual intercourse 24-48 hrs before you have a papsmere done because due to the inflamation to the vagina it can cause an abnormal pap result. I know for a fact that I had sex less than 24 hrs prior to my pap so I'm wondering if that could've been the cause of my abnormal pap... wondering if anyone else has been through this I'm hoping for the best and that me participating in sex is the reason for my abnormal pap.
So I was freaking out and earlier I was reading an article that said you shouldn't have sexual intercourse 24-48 hrs before you have a papsmere done because due to the inflamation to the vagina it can cause an abnormal pap result. I know for a fact that I had sex less than 24 hrs prior to my pap so I'm wondering if that could've been the cause of my abnormal pap... wondering if anyone else has been through this I'm hoping for the best and that me participating in sex is the reason for my abnormal pap.
I don't really know anything about the sex causing false results...but I'd say just try not to think about this too much and worry yourself! Don't freak out!!!
@GirlsLoveInk its a biopsy aka a colposcopy. A biopsy of the cervix.
Good luck n don't worry about it is not good for it baby