Can I really do this?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I'm about to have my baby (due in 7 days!) This is my first & my boyfriends 2nd he also has a soon to be 5 year old..we are currently working with dhs to get custody after her mom got her taken n she was temporarily placed with my bf mom, well at court a couple weeks ago the judge said that we will be getting her, we just have to move into our house, which we are this week, and a month or two of over night n weekend visits so I can get use to the new baby n Haylee before she is placed with us for good..I'm just scared because I have never had kids let alone two at once...I hope I can handle this!

Mommys with more then one do you have any advice anything will be appreciated!


  • Keep her involved as much as possible... kids LOVE to feel important & useful... but don't turn her into a worker-bee. Let her pick out the baby's outfit for the day & help bathe him/her w/supervision of course. :)
    Take her to the park as much as you can - the fresh air will be good for all of you- and let her run off some steam.
    Also, make sure you & your bf take turns caring for the baby so BOTH of you have special one-on-one time with just her. Bake cookies, color, read to her, play princess dress up... etc., Whatever she's into.
    YOU CAN DO IT!!! Just give her some time to adjust. And good luck! :)
  • Itll come natural to you. Dont worry, you.can do this. I have.2 of my own, a step son and baby on the way. Sometimes itll be stressful, but nothing you cant handle.. Good luck hun
  • A 5 yr old & a baby I would normally say that would b way easier then my 2 &1/2 yr old & my 10 & 1/2 mo old. But it is going to b a big adjustment bcuz u did not raised the 5 yr old & if she has not been taught right it is going to b hard even without throwing a new baby in the mix. I'm not trying to scare u just stating what I think. There will b alot of tears, sleepless nights, & I don't know what to do's. But in the end u'll b a pro. I think it is so wonderful y'all r willing to take her even though y'all r starting a family of ur own. I hope I wasn't to negative. I just don't like it when people try to sugar coat stuff for me. When it really comes down to it though I think u'll do great.
  • good luck honey! I have a 19 months old and am due in the next 6 wks and 5days lol. I'm nervous but I know you can do it. my son loves the park and would stay there forever if I let him! that's always my suggestion when he is getting to me! I also like to take him to Walmart he likes to help me shop lol.. so when he IA stressing me I do those two things. good luck honey(:
  • Thanks everyone, I hope I can do this, I want go be a positive mother role model for both girls, I know I'm not her mom and I'm not trying to be (she gets mad if anyone says I'm her mom or stepmom) its just going to be an adjustment, going from no kids to two, thank goodness she is five and able to do some things on her own! Thanks for the advice
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  • Yes u can do it. She will love being a big sister too!! Probably will wanna help u do everything. You just have to stay calm and u will learn something new everyday
  • Ya, don't try to be mom, that will come in time. Talk to dad, set ground rules and consequences. Write them down, when she comes, tell her the rules, remind her when she messes up, and get backup from dad whenever you need to. It will help if the two of you are on the same team, she needs to know that from the start. Post a list of the rules that she can see, even if she can't read, read them to her. She may feel anger toward you, baby, even dad, so don't force her to help, but she should have some responsibility for herself, cleaning her room, putting away her clothes, make it a game whenever you can. Take it slow. Definitely ask about parenting classes somewhere, I am taking classes now, provided free, and she comes to my house because I don't have a car. She's a foster parent, and I get a LOT of help from her and the classes. You will have some tough times, but with some support, you'll do great!
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