38wks to early to be induced?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I'll be 34wks tomorrow, my due date is July 3rd. My bf/bd leaves for basic training July 5th, him and I are really wanting him to be there for the birth of out little man, and give them time to spend together before he has to leave, I also have a lot of family, including my dad, that live out of state and want to be here for birth to, so is 38wks to early to be induced, should I ask my doctor or do u think its a waste of time.
Also what are your thoughts on castor oil, would it be to soon to use it at 38wks,?
My mom used it with my brother and went into labor a few hours later.


  • I got induced at 38 weeks some will even at 37 if everything seems ok with the baby
  • I was just wondering, cuz I have read on a few pregnancy sites that they won't induce unless you have medical reasons,
  • My Dr said no earlier than 39 wks unless medically necessary...my dd said screw that and came exactly 2 wks early. They had to give me pitocin bc I wasn't progressing and my water broke/was leaking! I would def say ask tho...wanting family and extra time for daddy and baby might b reason enough (I was gonna b induced cuz I live 30 mins away and my babies practically leap out! Lol)
  • I'm 38 weeks tmrw, on Tuesday I have am appt to see if baby is ready so we can induce. Our hospital will induce at 38 weeks. 37 weeks if they need to but then at 37 weeks they do an amnio to check that the baby's lungs will be ready.
  • edited May 2011
    My midwife was willing to induce from 38.5 weeks. (But I have gestational diabetes and my last was 9lb 9.5 oz). If the baby isn't ready to come outcastor oil won't work. Also you can check your Bishop score at the time. If it isn't high enough then it may be fruitless to try to induce.

    You can google bishop score and it will pull up a chart for you to analyze and tally.
  • My doctor won't induce until 39 weeks but won't let you go over 41 weeks.
  • @z_mommy_2008
    I also live about 30 mins away from hospital, about 20 miles.
  • If u were married... u could have called the red cross and they would have sent a message for him to come home for the birth... or have him talk up to meps and see if they will postpond the his ship date.. ask his recruiter a lot of "q"'s !!!
  • @Jess8D7
    Well he went to meps and was sworn in before we knew I was preg, so if he was to tell thm he has a kid on the way he won't get to shop when he is supposed to, so we are waiting til he gets back from basic for him to sign birth certificate and all tht good stuff
  • He can delay his shipping tho... they did for me... I graduated from high school early... its just a thought. They have different shipping dates anyways. Been playing army for almost 7 years..
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