damn it! i put out...insert nasty word here...

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
for those of u following my week in hell... i just had sex with my husband. he blew in like 2 thrust no joke. y would he have ever attempted anything with that other woman when i get him off faster then well i cant think of a comparison right now... anyways im also beating myself up for putting out to him. stupid being pregnant and horny! ugh! im so disappointed in myself right now


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  • I'm so sorry!! I agree that you need some time away.
  • we have a marrige cunsoling appointment for tuesday. i cant go to tripler because his comand frowns on it... i told him i dont care and if i dont start to feel a little less depressed by tomorrow im going weather he likes it or not. and ya the other night he tried to do me and i said no he stormed off and through a fit. he doesnt understand its hard for me to have sex with him after everything that has happened. i realise he didnt cheat but he tried to. he says hes not even sure if u would have is she wouldve agreed but thats not the point the point is he made the attempt. i think its funny he got shut down by this chick shes a total slut. shes married but cheated on her husband with 2 guys when she was at pta and now shes pregnant and looks like she got prego at pta. shes army so his her husband and min btw. not the same anything her ande him just happened to have a class together. he says he asked her cause shes a known slut. pisses me off is that suppost to make me feel better??
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  • If don't mean to come off as rude but are you sure he doesn't fake it when you two are having sex cus two thrust? That's crazy. Please teach me your ways lolz.
  • @teuy lol but I've had a guy do that >:p So not cool... he was a world class douche and broke up with me "because I wanted sex too much" but he was the one who bragged about his high sex drive before we got together!!! Some guys!
  • Its just...my bf. He will go forever and most of the times that's good but believe it or not, it has its downsides. For example. No such thing as a quickie. Also I love to give him bjs but sheesh...a girl will be down there all day with him lol
  • My ex would go in and bust in lesd than a min EVERYTIME we had sex & he blamed it on us not havin sex so much.. Lik really 5 times a dat isnt enough !? Well hes my ex now hehe :p
  • I have the same prob wit my hunny at times he can go for hours n times where its ovr n a flash. So sry u r going through evrything ur going through I hope it gets btr for u
  • edited May 2011
    @teuy Yeah, sometimes I've wanted to scream "just cum already!" Lol. My hubby says now that I'm pregnant, my vagina feels better but he still manages to last ling enough.
  • Oh gosh hun, I've been following but haven't really had the time to comment. I'm sorry thay military guys can be such douche bags! They think they can just because they are in the military with other ppl that it is ok to cheat or test a girl out because he heard stuff about her, that's already cruising the line!. That's pathetic of him! Sorry to say that but hun its the truth. You need time away from him but hey since he already attempted once and when you do separate from him, he'd just might do it again. Who know what a man is capable of doing...that's the mystery esp in the military. Having a military husbamd ain't all that greasy, they can either hurt you or be the man and husbamd thet should be and don't be dumb. Always update me hun! I how everything will work out. Honestly from my opinion I wouldnt sleep with him, I would be disgusted completely. Don't feel bad that he can't get nine from you, he tried with anotbet girl do what naked him think that he can crawl back to you for some booty. I'm just saying. Not to offend you hon.
  • @teuy no there was a wod :-D i am a magic woman...
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