Would you go to a U2 concert 6.5 months pregnant? UPDATE

edited May 2011 in Second Trimester
So I went and it was freaking awesome. We got seats so no pushing or sweaty people on me. During the last half of the show we got to go down another level and get a really great view. My hubby isn't a huge fan, but even he was dancing to the music. They put on a fantastic show and I'm really glad I went. I have been resting for most of the day today, but hey that's why there are Sundays! HA! We parked not too far so it was a nice walk to and from. Totally worth it. Thanks for your comments and support ladies!


  • Hell ya go! Im not a fan of u2, but see if u can bring a chair..
  • Absolutely! !!
  • Cool, I just wanted a little encouragement because my husband is not the biggest fan but is willing to go. He is just worried about crowds and pushing on me and all that walking.
  • The latest concert I went to, I was due in less than a month! Just don't stand right in front of the speakers and ull b fine. And if u can, bring a chair
  • I'm 8 mos prego and went to the Cleveland Indians game last night :) I say do it
  • Omg! I need to let my hubby see this. My favorite performer of all times will be here this month n he won't let me go " its to risky " ugggh, I hate him.
  • Heck yes! If I were a fan lol
  • I love u2....... I had tickets to bon jovi last week and sold them.8 months prego and just not feeling up to it.. but, if I felt good I would have went.
  • Thanks ladies! I want to be able to tell my hubby that I'm really not crazy for wanting to go! I appreciate the feedback! Getting off my computer to go get some tickets!
  • Oh yeah you should go!
  • Absolutely!! :) Plus, if this is your first baby, you should enjoy having the freedom to go wherever you want without worrying about a babysitter or anything ;)
  • I was 8 months pregnant when we went to see AC/DC. I would go. Try and sit in between songs. Have fun. You deserve it ;)
  • Unrelated, but I slept through 45 minutes of a Foo Fighters concert a few years ago. My husband was so annoyed but I was really tired!
  • I'm sorry to be a debby downer lol but I wouldnt , last year I went to a blue october concert (iwas not preggo or sick) it was also out side we had vip tickets which got us in the front part closer to the band instead of behind the fence further back we had to stand also. WELL, we stood a little further back like 15-20ft from the stage (bc of the speakers) and no matter how much room there was in between the last row oF PPL to the beginning of the fence (there was A LOT) EVERYONE Was smushing close and forward bc everyone wanted to be closer to blue october of course, I was rubbing arms and stuff with sweaty strangers (eewww) lol and it was hot! And I'm short so I had to stand on my hubbys feet and tip toe to be able to see anything lol.. then everyone was drinking, smoking, smoking WEED!! Like a few people down from us. I was constantly getting smushed and pushed around. For aaaaall those reasons I would not got to any concert while pregnant. My husband won some tickets on a radio sation to a band he likes and I told him he could take his best friend bc I sure as heck wasn't going. He was like duh! Ppl will elbow you and stuff in your belly (I'll be 7 months tomorrow). That's just my 2 cents.my looooong 2 cents lol.
  • I would probably go see U2 if it was my due date if I had the chance.
  • Hell yes! Go! Have fun. I'm 33 weeks and I'm taking my daughter to a concert tomorrow. Couldn't miss it....
  • 3OH!3 ALL THE WAY! (: and yessss, go to the concert haha
  • Hell ya id go! My friend went to c icp was on the floor n everything n she was 8 monthes! Just stay clear of the crowd
  • I am in the same boat but with an electronic music festival in Vegas in June. I'll be 7 months exactly. We are not sure if we want to go or not. If we do it would be VIP which includes unlimited waters, juices, and snacks. The hours are 8pm-6am. There are bleachers, couches, and many places to sit. I just don't know.... :/
  • @ashes are you talking about edc?! :)
  • Yes I am talking about EDC lol. I want to go. It would be my 4th year in a row. And I was so heavy into everything .... I gogoed at last year's. I'm pretty sad about not being able to go
  • If it makes you feel any better in a couple weeks I am going to go see weird al! I am so excited haven't been to a concert in forever. Its a really small concert i think, the venue is not that big at all. I will be 6 1/2 almost 7 months. I am afraid people will look at me weird oh well.
    @blueberrys you fell asleep for the foo fighters how sad. But sounds like something I would do.
    @ashes your gonna go to edc preggo? What for lol?
  • @ashes i went a couple years ago and loved it! unfortunately, i just haven't had enough money to go back :(
  • I went to a concert 7 months pregnant. I had cankles for 2 weeks after. But it was worth it!
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