boy or girl?

edited May 2011 in Second Trimester
Im booked in for a scan on the 27th, which would make me 16w4d, would i be able to find out the sex for certain? Or would i be better off gettin a scan for a later date


  • edited May 2011
    Oh yea u will find out they will tell u if not just ask but by then they could till
  • Later date would be more accurate
  • Thanks girls :->
  • U can find out. Had second US Thursday. Regular one...not 3D. I asked her to make sure that it was a.female bc I had had a 3D at 16 weeks n 3 days...She said a good technician will b able to find it n b 100% accurate n they won't tell u a maybe it'll b a......they'll tell u if they're sure.
  • Wahoo,im so excited to find out,dyin to buy pinks or blues :->
  • I was 16weeks 6days and they were 100% it's a boy, they even gave me a scan picture of his winkle :D
  • I've heard the later the better bedside the scrotum doesn't descend until like 17w with some babies! I knorr alot of ppl. Well 5 who were too eager and found out the wrong sex!
  • I agree with waiting a bit. Males and females both have what looks to be a penis early on in the pregnancy, so it's always advisable to wait until at least 18-20 weeks before you find out. Don't want to prep for one sex only to find out it's the other. ;)
  • I got mine around then but it was a 4d. if u give me ur birthday n conception day with month day n yr I can predict ur babys gender for u :)
  • Em ok :-> my bday is december 28th 88. And conception date is feb 14th 2011 :-D
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