last ciggirette tonight! give me motivation ladies!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So ive been smoking around 7 a day and decided my last one will be tonight. I found my nicorette patches & gum i got last year so ill hopefully be smoke free starting tomorrow morning! Wish me luck ladies,, me & baby WILL be smoke free :D


  • Good luck and much strength to you %%-
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  • Good luck I know its so hard to quit even though you know its right! Good luck
  • Good luck! Its easy once you miss that first one and so worth it to make a healthy baby! You can do it matey x x
  • @bwhite55019 thank you!
    @mami_of_2 yup ive phoned out of hours docs :)
  • They say patches aren't ideal but far better for you than smoking and cause less stress. I did it cold turkey but only cos it was easy once sickness set in! X
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  • Good luck mama
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  • Thanks ladies! @three_cats_n_a_baby, yep, ove got 10 24hour patches and around 100gum. @TricesBaby yeah thats what ive reolised it was my choice not babys :)
  • Hey that's AWESOME! You can do it! Good for you!
  • @Tricesbaby totally agree, doesn't feel like my body either and the thought me baby gasping for oxygen is quite a turn off! I smoked since 13 and now 27 and its not easy but will be so worth it :)
  • P. S please savour every last milliseconds of that last cig! Just for all us ex smokers :)
  • You can do it!
  • Good luck!!! Much respect, its a very hard thing to do and you are strong for going for it!!!
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  • Good luck!! You can do it! :)
  • Good luck my dear. I smoked til I was about 12wks. It was hard to quit, but I knew I was doing it for my baby. I am almost 20wks now and she is doing wonderful. I went cold turkey and luckly have a very understanding hubby hehe I was a bitch for about a week lol. Once you do it you will feel wonderful :) You can do it :) and we are all her for support :)
  • @three_cats_n_a_baby dont worry i will! Its 6:35 in the uk so i have a good few hours before bed time!
  • It is so hard to do, you have to admire anyone that has done it! So well done all :) some people just dont understand so its nice to have like minded people sometimes too :)
  • oh i am in uk too! dont sign up with the nhs stop smoking thing, they ring you every day pretty much reminding you of ciggys, not helpful!! lol
  • @three_cats_n_a_baby oh i know! When i went for my 12week scan i told them i smoked within 2mins i already had a txt haha! Rather do it without them nagging me! Haha im 20weeeks now, so its definatly time too stop
  • Good luck %%- its been 5 days since my last cigarette. As bad as it might sound the thing that finally got me to stop was my boyfriend jumping my butt and yelling at me. Up till now everyone was just its okay your trying, you will quit when you can. I still have two left I hid them under the bed so I wouldn't see them and washed out the ashtray so I wouldn't smell it, in other words get rid of things that remind you of smoking
  • I'm trying to quit also I was wanting yo stop cold Turkey tomorrow...I'm 16 weeks today...I have to finish my last 2 LOL...we can do it together!!!
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  • Good job ladies! Its not easy. I stopped smoking when I was 7 weeks pregnant and I am 30 weeks now! It definitely helps my husband quit a month ago. Just remember to never quit quitting! I slipped a couple times in the beginning but its actually very easy now :)
  • @ashleyfew they say its not recomended but id rather be chewing a piece of gum with nicotine in that smoking a cigi with 4000chemicals :) hehe.
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