Trying hard to believe him... Opinions pls!

So ladies, I had previously started a discussion about signs of cheating. I convinced myself my husband was not cheating and it was my hormones... THEN I seen some crazy shit this morning. To make a long story short I have been staying with my parents for over a week and not at our house and last night he was with friends and seemed up to something by his phone behaviors so I snuck up on him at our house but did not have my keys.... I knocked like 4 times and his friend answered and I seen one bitch on my couch with his friend. I went directly up to our bedroom and my hubby was in bed alone. So initially I was pleased and just layed with him. Well I got up to run to the store real quick and seen there was actually 2 bitches on the couch with his friend. Either I am tripping or the other girl magically appeared.... My husband got defensive and a bit mad and claims he had came home and passed out, gave his friend the house keys and had no idea he brought girls back. Do I believe that? Cause 2 girls and 2 guys in my house looks bad no matter what the story. Tell me ladies!!!


  • Sounds kinda weird to me. Just watch yourself girl.
  • If I could go back to this morning I would change a few things but I was trying to not jump to conclusions, did ask his friend and he said he was sorry that my hubby had nothing to do with it....
  • Hon, I even said this to my hubby an he said ur man is full of if,,, and u should of kicked both girls out and his friend cus there all full of shit,,,, u know ur heart told u something was up so go with ur heart... If it took 4 knocks to get u in the house then something was up
  • Exactly. I know that.... But that is where I went wrong. I just do not know what to do now because I cannot go back in time and now I cannot stop thinking about it.
  • @MrsLaMaster I agree... I think the same thing but am just too nice of a person and when I told my hubby I was not leavingg until they were gone he said I was being ridiculous and to stop. Ahhh. I hate this..
  • You cannot go back in time however you can go back to your house and tell him to get the f*** out! You know the bitch was nasty to cause she sat on the couch with her mouth shut knowing he had a wife. I would personally go back and check the sheets and possibly his underwear just to be sure but I'm crazy like that. that's how I caught my ex cheating. anyways trust your gut there was a reason you felt the need to go to the house.
  • If I could go there I is a long story why I can't but I layed in my bed for over an hour and slept.....
  • Oh my gosh! I would have asked who are those girls and why did he let his freind bring strangers into my house!? You should have kicked them all out, check your husbands underwear or anything. I agree with the girls on here, guys well always have each others back and lie for them. Just be careful ans cautious of him. Update me hun!
  • Well i was cheated on by my bf when I was prego with my first and.did everything to make my self belive he wasnt but he was and as soon as I kicked him out he moved in to the nasty girls house,,,, he thought id let my baby be around that girl after the fact,,,, I went threw it for 10 years and it all was lies,,, his friends lied his family, so please listen to what ur heart says the first time and dont go back on I did,,,
  • And ladies, I am showing up at my house tomorrow morning too. No way he would be up to shit two nights in a row. I am just glad I am going back Tues for good but watch, he wont ever be there..
  • Im sorry you had to go through that its bullshit. It find very sketch, and thee while 4 knocks makes even me mad! Keep your head up and just try taking to him. Just remember you have that beautiful baby that will always depend on you.
  • I find it *
  • I'm sorry to say but sometimes its better to be done with a guy like that! He is a flat out cheater, you see the signs dear don't ignoe deserve a man who is going to keep yourpregnancy stress free
  • dear god auto correct
    And the whole 4 knocks thing*
    Ill make sure to read before posting haha
  • Your good Kkj09 You think more like me, just sometimes anger sets in and I wanna be more aggressive. Lol.
  • @Maymommy2011 I know I do, I feel bad for my baby all the time because daddy is too much stress for me to handle. Esp with my hormones!
  • I am still gonna go see him in the morning but he just called and now I know I wont find anything. Oh I will get him though, bet that.
  • Must post an update to this story. I guess as it turns out he was sleeping with the one chick. He denies it but I had sources that would know tell me. I am very down right now about all of this. Not sure what to do but I think he is one of those "once a cheater, always a cheater types".......
  • Agreed on the once a cheater thing my ex cheated on me when I was 6 months preggo and a week before our wedding to top it off. Beforehand he kept trying to convince me to move to the state where the bitch lived. I was dumb and gave him another chance and caught him 3 more times. We were together 4 yrs and I left him aug 21 2010. Got a pfa for abuse for me and my 2 yr old and filed for support may 11th then may 17th I see his wedding license in the paper and to boot 2 days after I left he tried to sleep with my friend! Dump the loser
  • Agreed on the once a cheater thing my ex cheated on me when I was 6 months preggo and a week before our wedding to top it off. Beforehand he kept trying to convince me to move to the state where the bitch lived. I was dumb and gave him another chance and caught him 3 more times. We were together 4 yrs and I left him aug 21 2010. Got a pfa for abuse for me and my 2 yr old and filed for support may 11th then may 17th I see his wedding license in the paper and to boot 2 days after I left he tried to sleep with my friend! Dump the loser
  • Yes, hes def one of those types to bring some hoe to your bed! Please don't be stupid and stay w him. Those girls would have been on their rears along w his a**hole friend. No way would I deal w that! You don't need him and neither does your baby. Just be done w him. When you see him tomorrow don't show emotion at all pack your stuff and don't look back. Just give him cocky looks like he's stupid when he tries to talk to you. Ignore him and move on. He's worthless as far as guys go. Good luck momma remember you're better than him and his trash.
  • Sry phone is dumb and dble posted
  • edited May 2011
    I read your discussion to my husband and he automatically said he's cheating...

    I'm sorry woman deserves to be treated like this
  • What is you plan and what have you done since you found out??? Best of luck to you!!!
  • There would be major problems if I found even one bitch in my house with out my approval.
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