100 days left till aug 24th YAY

edited May 2011 in August 2011
i ammmm soooo damn excited. i cant even explain it lol
& my baby shower is in 3 weeks then my other is august 7th.
sorrrry i just am really excited & wanted to share that with everyone.


  • Me too..... so close but still so far! Haven't picked a day for my shower just yet but have everything planned out for it!
  • Days thats funny I was just looking at how many I had left.. Alot more than that : )
  • I have 79 days to go. They keep draginnnnng on.
  • it feels like forever. i feel like ive been pregnant forever. i just want my baby here now!

    @bettymomma yea im having my shower in 3 weeks. your just 5 days after me :)
    im glad your having a shower around the same amount of time. i thaught i was having mine super earely but everyone keeps saying no.
  • I only have 80 days left n I'm freakin! Lol Congrats girl
  • I have 40 loong days, ugh I want to fast forward to my lil mans arrivial, I'm sooo miserable
  • 101 days for me :)
    No baby shower though, luckies... or until after baby :)
  • Im due Aug 25th and im soooo excited.to have finally made it to having 100 days left. Cant.wait.til.my princess is born : )
  • Im also having my shower.june 18th ... And everyone keeps saying im having it to early but I really don't care ! Lol its better to have it early bc then you have time to get stuff.you didnt get at your shower plus you want to have it before the weather gets too hot. I know im not gping to want to be botherd once july weather hits
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  • 86 days for me. I can't wait to meet my princess ;;)
  • CONGRATUALTIONS to everyone. as days go on & i get more & more excited.

    @Abrismommy yea exact reason why i wanted to have mine when im having it. but im going to have a second august 7th. but it will be inside. but idk if im going to be able to stay for a long time....cuz im already super uncomfortable & hot all the time lol
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