
edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I seem to find myself annoyed with all the questions I ask lol anyways:
I feel like I have been leaking fluids all day, but maybe its just discharge?! I'm only 33wks and 4days so I hope just discharge.. what do you ladies thinks?!


  • Around that same time I started having watery discharge but they told me as long as there was no blood and it wasnt gushing there was nothing to worry about
  • I know it sounds gross but smell should be able to tell if its discharge, urine or your water. If I remember correctly your water will have a sweet smell to it.
  • @lauren0204robert haha okay.. yeah see it worried me because it was more watery then thick! maybe this will ease my mind(: thank ya mama(:
  • @cassi923 okay so I know what pee smells like lol what about discharge?! I will smell it next time!
  • I am 34 weeks tomorrow and have the same problem some days its just a little other days I feel like my panties are soaked. I try not to worry because my doctor said there would be way more discharge around this time but its kinda hard not to worry when you get braxton hicks all day plus soaked panties. I know how you feel girl=)
  • Sorry can't help. Maybe we over did it today....
    Just gotta say that you are one of the ones with backwards smiles they were talking about the other day. ;)
  • @having_a_girl. okay good on so glad to hear its not just me lol!! I feel like I get so wet I need to change my entire bottom half.. its annoying and idk what to do about it!! but I haven't asked my doctor yet so I'm glad someone has so they can pass along info(: I think I have it most days which is another factor that made me think discharge lol
  • Youre welcome. I had a high risk pregnancy so I freaked out lol and called the dr right then. They told me not to worry and to wear pads. I felt better after that.
  • @Kate_k today is nothing compared to work days lol. today was breezy((: and as for my Smiley faces leave them alone they just wanna be unique(:
  • @lauren0204robert lol I don't thunk u am high risk but might be because of age?! but glad someone had the guts to call the doctor lol ill probably be in hardcore labor before I call cause I'm afraid of asking dumb questions!!
  • @mrs_wainright i went to the l&d when it happened to me the first couple times because I was getting really bad braxton hicks and kept leaking so I thought it was my water leaking. Luckily it wasnt . And they also say it is more watery then thick around this time so I try not to worry anymore. My bd was just laughing at me earlier because it looked like I was examining my panties and he thought it was funny.
  • I hated calling but if I didn't my bf/bd would for me lol he did a few times! I was induced so I didn't have that issue but I probably would have stayed at home as long as possible lol
  • I to had the same watery discharge and I went in the doc checked me and it was nothing, just normal discharge..I did also have a vaginal infection..but that was secondary to the discharge. I wouldnt worry to much!
  • @havin_a_girl lol I close the bathroom door(; and I love when were about to have sex and he's asking if I'm wet for him lol.. what do u say but of course baby(:
    @lauren0204robert lol see my hubby tells me I need to grow up and do it myself! lol I suppose he us right, I'm terrible some days (most days) about doing stuff like that for myself lol..
    @ashley_smashley what kinda infection if you dint mind me asking?! I've had some uti's nd yeast pretty bad this pregnancy!
  • @mrs_wainright you know for the life of me I cant remember what he called it...(my pregnancy brain is on the fritz! lol) but it wasnt like any infection I have had in the itching or burning (sorry if TMI) lol...If I remember I will let you know. He just gave me some meds for 5 days..which honestly was worse than the actual infection!
  • You are bad about doing thing for yourself but you are getting better... maybe your mom spoiled you too much?
    Love ya kiddo!
  • @ashley_smashley lol my brain is like that too! don't worry about it(; haha I sorry the pills were worse.. worse how?!
  • I would pass stuff off as nothing so he would call sometimes if he thought it should be addressed. Lol.
  • @Kate_k lol maybe so! oh well(;
    love you too!
  • @lauren0204robert lol well last night babygirl was where it was hard fir me to breathe for like 2hrs and he got worrief and wanted to take me to the hospital lol but there us nothing they can do so I said theanks fir the thought and no lol I live him and when I need him to do it he will buy minor things he gets angry lol
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