i get so annoyed with some girls on facebook!

edited May 2011 in Parenting
Why do girls put things like "can't wait to pop this baby out because then it is on" and going out with their friends and drinking all the time? Like you shouldn't be having a baby because I can promise you that tiny newborn child of yours is definitely not going to take care of itself while you're out drinking. You decided to open your legs and get knocked up now you have responsibilities and all you can talk about is the rage of a partying spree you're gonna go on? I hope you don't breastfeed! I can understand that you crave it and you can't wait to have a drink but the girls who constantly talk about getting shit faced like the moment they give birth seriously irritate the holy crap out of me!


  • They just showing their true colors.. they need to get their priorities straight…
  • Definitely not ready for parenthood they're in for a rude awakening
  • I plan on getting pretty messed up once the baby gets here and I have enough milk stored up that I pump and dump. But its not going to be a regular thing . I know its different then the ones that are going to pawn there babies off on friends and family so the can go out and get wasted every weekend
  • well im not saying dont have your girls night i just get so annoyed when thats all girls can talk about when they are pregnant! i crave beer like no other! but im not constantly talking about getting messed up and i know that once the baby is born there isnt time to go out and get messed up even if your pumping or formula feeding! you dont want to leave that child! the first 5 years of a child's life are so important i couldnt imagine leaving my son or the one im pregnant with before they are out of diapers! or longer than that! idk i guess im just different and have my priorities straight..
  • I cant wait to have my bby but only cause iwanna hold him, change him, feed him, love him etc... Im so anxious for that day, I don't even think bout goin out n partying, n this is from me, a girl that used to party thursday thru sunday! All that shit got boring to me n now just wanna do stuff w my bby :)
  • I'll tell my husband all the time I want a shot of soco and lime the size of his head in my recovery room waiting on me but he knows I'm just kidding I would never put it up on facebook! Even though a bud light lime would be nice right about now it'll be awhile before I drink again!
  • @letysfirst, thats exactly how i feel.. i guess family is more important to some people than others ya know...

    @angelsmommy, i know what you mean! i would love to drink a beer because i crave it allllllllllllllllll the time but i know that i cant lol im not talking about having a few drinks on your date night with your man after the baby comes, im talking about all the girls that are always saying that they cant wait to get the baby out so they can go get fu*ked up and all that jazz, it blows my mind that little girls would even consider having children with that mindset.. and we all wonder why so many children are in foster care :( it makes me sad!
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  • I can't stand that either or the ones who are like Im all about my baby n blah blah then they have the baby and all they post about is partying. Don't get me wrong before I got prego with my son I was out every day gettin S***faced I was 18 I'm 21 now n just had my preemie in February and I havent went out with out my hubby before I got prego because I miss my babies to much and that's not who I wanna be anymore but that's just me
  • Like next yr I am going out for my 21st but by then he will be one and I am not a big partyier to begin with.
  • I've never understood it either. Our son is 5 and we havent had a baby sitter in over 2 years for ANYTHING if our son cant go, we dont go simple as that. He didnt choose to be born and he gets one childhood so how selfish can u be to birth a kid and then waste their whole childhood partying?
  • I am not gonna waste it partying just like a 2 hr thing for my 21st and prob won't go out for awhile.
  • @mshahir, wow! i cant believe that! i live in reno so it actually isnt surprising to me but its still sad! like i dont believe in abortions but i do believe that some people should get them! like that girl!

    @lovemyangelbabys, i was the same way i was 19 when i got pregnant and im not going to lie but partying was the reason i got pregnant but i still wouldnt change it for the world! even tho i think i could have picked a better father if i wasnt so intoxicated all the time! i didnt work i just used all the money i had been saving up since i was younger to party non stop all day everyday for almost a year, i can honestly say that my son saved my life! i probably would have drank myself into a coma if i hadnt found out i was pregnant! and my son is now 9 months and i have gone out twice! and was only gone for 2 hours each time because i cant imagine being without him! my family is my everything! now my fiance and i are pregnant and i couldnt be happier and we both feel the same way about drinking and all that.. we just dont do it! lol

    @xFirstTimeMomx, i know what you mean also, i was going to spend a weekend in vegas this year for my 21st (longest i ever would have been away from my son!) but then i found out i was pregnant again! so it will have to wait! il have a little redo when this one is probably around ten months when i stop breast feeding (or sooner if teeth come in lol)
  • Only 2 oz of wine every 24 hours. So yes a very small amount is good to clean out ur system but too much will cause problems. I would still be careful with the 2 oz
  • @xfirsttimemomx sorry that wasnt directed at you. I can see going out every once in a while, me personally I dont. I meant it for the ones who think that having a baby doesnt and shouldnt change their life style. I HAD a friend who didnt understand y i never wanted to go out w her then she got preg and said "its not like I'll have to stay home because I have a baby". Not meaning shade ur windows and lock ur.doors but if ur spending every weekend at parties or the club and u think its not supposed to change because of baby somethings wrong. Sure enough she "was dying" the whole preg got induced, and the same weekend her baby was born she stayed drunk the entire time. Then thought it was cute.to post fb pictures of her shot and babies bottle shot (it was formula) but so tacky and captioned it "starting her early" who does that?!?!
  • @podgemarine, iv heard that but im still too scared, my doc told me 2oz of wine watered down by sprite a lot is ok now and then but im still too scared lol

    @cetheridge, wow! i have seen a picture just like that on facebook lol where do you live?! it kills me to hear stories like that! it is ridiculous!!!!
  • Did live in Kansas at the time. There are some classy broads there. Another chick married a soldier 8 months preg after.knowing him for 2 weeks. She had a baby posted pics of her newborn in a bikini w a crown royal bag stuffed w ones captioned "she takes after her mommy" REALLY?!?! Thats ur goals for ur daughter? U want her to be a stripper that marries a man that for a paycheck after knowing him 2 weeks?
  • @cetheridge, wow! i guess there are some classy girls out there! i dont get that at all! and that sounds like a girl i know too. i get a kick out of the girl who is with my sons father, he never sees him never calls to ask how he is, never anything, i dont collect from him, and she is now having a baby with him after being together for a few months, and on top of it all she had her two boys calling him daddy after a week of them being together and i was still pregnant with his son.. people are pigs! they all went out to the lake and one of her kids almost drowned because she was shit faced drunk!!! i dont get it! why would any girl wanna be with him and why would any guy want to be with her... and thats not even a tenth of the story!!!!!!!!
  • Baby2dec14yayy that's the same way I was my son did safe my life n I feel I owe him for that and because he's my life and responsibility I do have a great babys daddy I have a cousin who has a 7 yr old n makes it seem like she's the worlds greatest mom when her mom is always telling my dad she leaves her for days with her grandma (my aunt) I can't stand it
  • yeah, some people just shouldnt have babies ya know!
  • even with a 7 yearold, bigger kids entertain themselves why would you have to pawn a 7yo off on a parent? i dont get it :( that is sad!
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