UPDATE!!!! at bottom...22 weeks and heart palpitations. HELP PLEASE.... Question added!

I have had them for like a month but they have been getting worse. It's not an extra beat, it skips a beat. Like pauses for like 2 seconds then thumps real hard. It wasn't that often but now its like every 15 seconds it skips. I counted them last night like I would kicks and 10 happened in 2 min 31 seconds.
Anyone else have.them this severe and everything be okay. I don't want to freak out over nothing but I'm not sure if its serious or common.
Also some times I feel like my chest is being constricted like not lungs but my chest itself like where my sternum (so) is like tightened up. Bahh like I'm laying on my back (pre pregnancy) with a brick in the center of my chest...
I know some are.common and high pulse and sometimes blood pressure but my pulse isn't real fast and my blood pressure is low. Like 2 weeks ago it was 92/50
Help me please....

So I was sitting here thinking.. still waiting on my Dr. Or nurse to call back. And was wondering do you think it could be from cutting back smoking so quickly. I was smoking almost a pack a day then went down to about 7 then about a month and a half ago (when I really noticed them) cut back to about 2 a day. And still smoke like one or two a day (dont judge please) I know I shouldn't be smoking at all but I think I have made a dramatic cut.down and am trying to kick it completely now. But I see some of you guys mentioned anxiety I've never had.that problem don't know what it feels like. I'm not really stressed about anything. So quitting smoking was the.only thing I could think of... Any input ?


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  • edited May 2011
    This exact thing was happening to me went to the er and turns out it was my potassium being low I even go to a heart doctor who agreed I would suggest to up ur intake of potassium rich foods when u have this problem eat a big banana a huge glass of oj and a baked potato and eat at least one banana a day to help keep ur potassium up if it doesnt help call yoir doctor!
  • @landynplus1momma how do they check for low potassium. And I have it constantly. Like all day. So will it still help to eat bananas. I don't want to turn into a banana or should I go to the doctor and have them check it first then maybe prescribe some potassium but I know if you have to much it can cause more problems or a lot can kill you
    ....I'm just paranoid
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  • Okay. Thank you
  • edited May 2011
    Good luck at the doctor hope all goes well!
  • Call you doctor.. I have a heart murmur and was unaware of it until I mentioned to my Dr my irregular heart,beat...
  • I'm 25 weeks and have felt everything u described. Called the ob who sent me to the er. They did ekg, ultrasound, heart monitor, blood tests. Found nothing wrong. It got bad a week later, went to the ob. He listened to my heart and said he heard an extra beat then a longer than normal pause. Sent me to family doc. Another ekg, found nothin. They gave me a portable ekg, had to wear for 24 hrs. All the tape hurt made it hard to move or sleep. Kept a diary and marked when it got worse so they could check the times on the results. Again, nothing abnormal so now they're tellin me its anxiety even though I have not been upset at all whenever I've felt it. They're still gonna do one more test, a blood draw to see if it could have anything to do with thyroid. Good luck...I know the feeling
  • Ive had this happened while I was preg. One dr told me to go to ER and get an ekg. I didnt go. I seen two other drs and they said it was normal. Since your preg and.carrying a baby your pumping more.blood through ur body which can make your heart do this. I am not preg anymore & have not felt this since I sas preg. Id talk to ur dr still tho.
  • I get them all the time like that too. My dr. Said it was normal between overflowing hormones and you heart working overime. Its nothing you should really panic about just bring it up at your next dr. Appt. He also said they won't harm the baby either.
  • I called my nurse. I'm.waiting for her to call me back she was with a patient.
  • First, you should call your doctor. It could be something as simple as a panic attack or could be something more serious, such as a heat arrythmia that could be decreasing blood flow to your baby. It could be a nutrient that you are deficient in that is causing it. As a nurse, I suggest you call. They will probably do blood work and an EKG, which means you may need to go to the ER if they don't have the equipment there.
  • just saw that you called...keep us posted!
  • Question added
  • @kbg10 I have had the EXACT same thing happen to me, except mine happened before I was pregnant, it just got stronger when I got pregnant with added small blackouts. None where I fainted but you get the picture. doctors wont diagnose it as anything. But I havent really worried since it happened to me before and baby's heart beat is really really strong
  • @kbg10 did u call? What happend? R u ok?
  • Call your dr and start eating a banana a day. I had that problem and the banana a day has worked wonders for me.
  • I called @gabbyc and I have an appointment to have a ekg done and my blood drawn and everything.checked out on Thursday. So I will let you know.. its not getting any better tho :(
  • Agh, i hope it turns out fine...eat a bunch of bananas meanwhile jst n case....let us knw
  • So I went to the Dr. And he said its called premature ventricular contractions.. where the top and bottom of my heart try to pump at the same time and the bottom tries to play catch up basically and tries to beat.twice but instead actually skips to het back in to rhythm.. at least that is how I understood

    Anyway he says its nothing to freak out about it happens a lot.during pregnancy just most women don't feel them or notice. But its.caused by all the extra blood its pumping.. so my heart is fine :) yay

  • :) thank god hun....
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