medication concerns

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
i have been on vicodin for years because of a disk in my back and now that im pregnant i want to stop taking it. my ob said that its safe during pregnancy and used all the time but that the baby could have naturally i would rather suffer without it because its not just about me anymore...the problem comes in because i am going to have withdrawals when i stop taking it and i am scared of that causing me to miscarry because of the stress on my only about 6 weeks according to my ultrasound (more like 8 weeks based on my period, but they said its normal for the dating to change a lot in the first trimester) ... has anyone been through this and have any advice on how to proceed? my dr just says that its safe to take...and when i told her i wanted to stop taking it she said theres really no reason to stop which i didnt find very i come to you and ask you not to judge. i am trying to do and want to do that right just not sure what is best for the baby right now. since i found out im pregnant ive only been taking two 500s a day... any advice would be great. i know lots of women have been in this situation so thanks a ton!


  • I took it threw the last 3 months of My last pregnancy and the baby came out fine...I am fixing to start it again due to backpain.
  • my dr just keeps saying as long as the medication is not abused that it doesn't cause any huge concerns...but to think that the baby might have withdrawals breaks my heart. my dr even said i might need it more later in pregnancy because my back could get worse and im scared. she even said only a small precentage of the medication actually gets to the baby so if there are withdrawals they are very subtle but i cant help but feel guilty...i will keep in mind that it is common. thanks!
  • The threat of miscarriage drops significantly in the second trimester...maybe wait to ween yourself off until then. Just a suggestion I don't know work in the medical field at all.
  • a car.accident.early.on with my pregnancy with my son I lost in oct and they told me and.doctors that it to take but they don't normally recommend it til after first trimester and well into second because it can up your chances for mc but if your doctor says its.ok you should be fine just take the min if you don't feel comfortable without it. I tried not to take it unless I absolutely needed it but I had problems with my back from the.accident and I was.prego and working two jobs so some days I absolutely couldn't do anything without taking one just to dull the.pain. just thought.I.would let you know my situation not that it helps all that much but if your goingto ween yourself ask cause he might help with suggestions on how to make it easier.because your.body is probably dependent on it.
  • i was thinking to get through the first trimester and at that point depending on how my physician feels start getting off of it. i know right not everything is very sensitive and any drastic changes could be detrimental soo... pray for the best! if this was a planned pregnancy i would have dealt with this before...but i was on yaz both times i conceived. when i found out i was pregnant in january i stopped taking my medications before i saw the dr...and i miscarried. not to say that was why because i miscarried a week after finding out i was pregnant and it could have been anything but im trying to do this more subtly...the only one i started taking again after was the vicodin and my birth control. im sure everything is gonna be ok.
  • Take it half dose and slowly ween off. Even if It's a half every other day
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