@mom2six2011 she's due march 6th. I'm getting induced on the 28th of Feb. I've had some painful braxton hicks and I'm dilated 2cm but that's about it. When is your baby girl due?
I'll bet you'll have her really soon then!! Id say before 40 weeks. Im hoping ill get to have labor naturally instead of being induced. So much easier.
I was induced with my last 2 it actually was really nice my deliveries were fairly quick . I think if your body is ready then it is nice. Sounds like both of our bodies r ready now if we could just get contractions to cooperate..lol
36 weeks & 2 days. Sore from bh contractions. Tons on lower back pain & find out if I dialated any more on Monday. Hope this baby comes early, these aches & pains are no fun.
Doing good I'm 32 weeks and having a baby boy!:-) he's due april 4 and I'm so excited to have him in my arms! He's my first:-) best wishes to all the new mommies!
Im 29 weeks and I think the time has gone by relatively fast, but I want it to go faster! Lol. Im moving to California once she is born, and I cannot wait to take her to the beach when she is a few months old!! (: I have been having some cramping and contractions already, and it scares me that she will come before her due date. But we will see. My mom didnt carry any of us to full term.
@ajohnson1709 that's ironic!! Im 28w2d!! Lol but my hips hurt a lot lately and my breathing is kinda off.....he has an appetite like his father, and i feel like he's gonna be a big boy.....this is my first, so i'm so anxious to hold my little papicito....
I have been having some cramping and contractions already, and it scares me that she will come before her due date. But we will see. My mom didnt carry any of us to full term.