So today my doc told me...

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I need to eat smaller meals more frequently and stay away from the junk b/c im gaining too much weight! This makes me sad...How am i supposed to stay away from junk/sweets?! I don't know if i can do that... :/ ...anyone else have this problem??


  • This baby is actually an healthy eater :/ lol just try limit what sweets/junk you have, like eat healthy all week Saturday or Sunday have little treats but only a few don't go overloading :)
  • Me!!!! I love my lil Debbie snacks :) I eat a cupcake every night after supper. Lol however I'm one of those 'lucky' ones and haven't gained much weight... your still eating healthy right? Gotta make sure to eat mote healthy And limit your self to the junk
  • My Dr tells me that every visit n last time was only gain of 6lb now I'm 25weeks n total gain is10 lb I'm. Really gonna get it today
  • My doc said the same to me but I've only gained 10lbs and I'm 26w 2d...
  • Yeah i do watch what i eat im just hungry allll the time..And i need sweets, ive been eating more fruit as a "dessert" alternative but im still gaining!
  • @kalasthename thats crazy talk!! Im 24w 2d and ive gained 33lbs!!! @azmom how much have u gained all together? I gained 8lbs since my last visit, oops lol
  • My first two I gained 100lb & 85lb don't worry over it just be aware. Drs can shove it lol
  • @azmom I gained 25 total w/my first, so surpassing that now w/3 months to go scared me! Lol oh well what can u do..Im not gonna diet by any means..
  • I've had a major sweet tooth lately, but I try to substitute candy with fruit. I also made myself a trail mix and put some m&m's in it, but make sure I eat the nuts and dried fruit too!
  • My Dr told me the samething to stay away from junk n sweets ugh he's afraid of me having a big baby again...
  • @karenlove im terrified of having a huge baby! My bd was over 10 lbs himself so i hope that's not the case with this lil man!!
  • edited May 2011
    @ethansmommy122 trust me I feel u my last bb was big n it was a vaginal birth oh lord it hurt pushing for 35 min I wanted to give up I hope I have a normal 7 pound bb this time I want a fast labor ;-)
  • Ive gain alot too n im 32 weeks he said for me to watch it too but its hard :/
  • I had that problem too! I didn't gain that much that quickly but I ended up having gustational diabetes and can eat nothing now! So I don't know if the amount of junk you eat in the begining and how much you gain factors into that but I can tell you IT SUCKS!!! I feel like I can't eat anything! I have to poke my finger 4 times a day and I get NO sweets what so ever. My big treat now is a sugar free latte! So not to scare you but I would listen to the dr because no sweets no carbs sucks! And I almost always feel hungry and I pretty much just eat eggs! Like I said not to scare you but I wouldn't want you to end up on this sucky diet! Try to get more prot
  • Oops proteins with each meal it might help you feel fuller
  • @steeny Thanx ill try that! :)
  • @steeny I'm a gestatinal diabetic also. did they send you to a nutrition class? I keep mine controlled w diet and exercise. I eat a lot of pb sandwiches w sugar free preserves. And sugar free Popsicles!
  • @azmom love your way of thinking. I gained 66lbs with this little one. And he came into this world healthy and happy 6lbs 7ozs 3 wks ago. Oh and I've already lost 25lbs so tell that Dr to bite keep what your eating with-in reason and ENJOY your pregnancy..... Don't fret babe. Xxxx
  • Lol everything is fine in moderation! I also have thyroid problems since i became preggo and they're still trying to regulate my meds, so i guess that could be part of the weight gain too..Oh well
  • @calebsmommie no they didn't! The nurse gave me a few pointers put I am still in my first week. I am getting good though. Although I have had a few fits I think I will be able to control it. I still haven't found sugar free popsicles. I was eating pretty poorly before so its kinda good I guess and sugar free jam is awesome! Although its not as sweet at least I can still eat my pbj!
  • My dr is sayin the same thing! And it makes me sadcuz I have a recent history of anorexia problems about a year b4 I got prego so being told that I'm basically gettign too fat worries me! I didn't eat as much as I should of b4 pregnancy and I excercised like crazy b4 which is why I think I've gained so much. I started at 130 and have gained 33 lbs at 33 weeks. Its not safe to skate anymore so I don't burn the cals like b4***I'm really glad to see I'm not the only one packin on the lbs! But I think that since we are growing a life inside us we can do what we want as long as it doesn't hurt baby!
  • Any of you gestational diabetics out there, just be careful if you eat or are planning to try any sugar free candy. If you eat too much of some of them, they give you the runs!

    Speaking from 18 years as a type 1 diabetic experience! They key to everything is moderation! I check my blood sugar between 12-15 times a day but today I have checked it 18 times and will need to before I go to bed as well (but my blood sugar has been low twice today!).

    I always wanted to punch the doctor in the junk for telling me I was gaining too much weight. I gained between 40-50 lbs with both of my kiddos but that was all like after 30 weeks when I had legs that looked like tree trunks because they were so swollen. All of that weight was gone a couple weeks after delivery. With this one, I haven't gained any weight at 18 weeks and hopefully I don't have the problems I did before with all the swelling and water weight.

    Good luck to all of you ladies!
  • I'm surprised that my doctor hasn't said anything to me. She's a very midwife-y ob gyn tho. But I was pretty trim before I got preggo and now I'm heavier than I've ever been :(
  • @sk8rmomma19 dont worry hun ur not alone! @victoriab me too, ive never weighed this much ever but im okay with it cuz i don't look like ive gained that much, and besides we have a valid excuse!
  • Make smoothies from scratch. Yogurt (i like Greek), honey, strawberries, peaches, a banana, and a little juice or milk. Blend well with some ice. If it's your whole meal mix in some dry oatmeal. Gives it lots of fiber. Try different types of fruit too. Fresh or frozen.
  • @blueberrysmom that sounds yummy! Ill have to try that! Thanx :)
  • edited May 2011
    They're so yummy and refreshing plus you can make them as sweet as you want and not feel bad about it. I'm going to make one now!
  • My doctor told me I needed to eat whatever I want whenever I want cause I'm underweight I got yelled at at my last appt cause I only gained a pound n a half.... I feel like I'm where I should be I'm not that thin I have gained alittle over thirty pounds so far they want me to gain another ten to fifteen yikes!
  • @blueberrysmom my fiance does that every morning he loves it!!! N he has actually lost a lot of weight from doing that instead of his six eggs n Bacon n sausage wrapped in a flour tortilla lol he is a big eater.....
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