Who else is gonna be pregnant alllllll summer long??



  • Me. Due Dec 15th. Looking at a second air conditioner already. Either that or its gonna be a long summer for everyone around me
  • edited May 2011
    Me. Aug 25! Gotta make da best of it!
    @blueberrysmom I was thinking da same thing I hope it wrks everyone tells me I'm guna be miserable!
  • Me due September 19th. This is my third and first time being pregnant in the summer! New adventure haha
  • Me! Ima spend all my HUGE belly part of pregnancy in summer -.- I'm due october 13th
  • October 27 won't come soon enough..summer dresses and sandals will be my bffs :)
  • Me. I'm due Sept 22
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  • mee ! im due oct 2nd and live in orlando, fl. its already in the 90's here and its not even july/august yet ! those months are gonna be brutal lol
  • Me... I'm due October 24 With a little boy... Currently 18 Weeks... And Its Blazing Hot where I Live... Ugh... Gonna Be a Long Summer... At Least Ill have plenty of Ice cream/Popsicle and Sundresses
  • Me I'm due Aug.20 whoo its so hot already dang
  • I will be if I finally get my bfp next week...but at least I won't be huge.
  • Me! Due sept 10th..its not the heat so much, more so the humidity that pisses me off! Ugh oh well, dresses and bein poolside sound nice!
  • Me. Due 11/9
    Summers are crazy hot in NYC so Ill make do with an ac dangling of my neck lol
  • Me I go n Oct 7
    New Orleans is burning up
  • Me:( I live in new mexico:/ so until 10/10/11
  • Sept 26th here! It was HOT today so I got a little taste of what I'm in for. I'm headed to Miami Beach for the summer. If I'm gonna have to be overheated I wanna at least be able to walk out of my door and onto the beach.
  • I have to go all summer long and most the winter. I'm not due til dec 31.
  • I'm due dec 27th n florida heat is enuff but by the feel of it already I think it will be a hot summer!
  • Sure it sucks being pregnant during summer, but really ladies isn't it worse being fat as a house during winter when you have to layer up?
  • Yup.. this will be my third..2 were summer babies end of July and Aug.. this ones Oct.. going all summer long!
  • @2ndbutfirst true ! i plan on going to the pool/beach as much as possible. and omg i know ! my fiance just recently got me into tijuana flats yumm :p
  • Wow...being preggo all summer sucks....u gotta deal with the obsessive sweat and struggle to find an outfit...its hot out here in Virginia...
  • Me...not due til Nov. 18th and I live in Houston, Tx. I am always pregnant in the summer....no good!
  • Im right here with ya, due oct 11 and this Georgia heat aint no joke! Miserable!
  • I'm due September 13th, and I'm in Georgia too and you are so right about the heat.
  • I'm due August 23rd and I live in Riverside CA so it gets really hot and I'm so not looking forward to it. Lol
  • Im due August 16...Im just now 7 months and I live in Arizona ...so not looking forward to end of my pregnancy in 100 plus temperatures :( def gonna be staying inside or swimming in pool!!!
  • Sept 15th here im in portland oregon but a few days ago it was 75 n I was dyin, so much so that I called my dad at work n had him come put my a/c in on his lunch break :) I was groovy til I had to go check the mail! Eff that! Ill wait til midnight to check the mail this summer :p
  • im having my baby girl august 24th sooo im ganna be knocked up alll summer hahah
    super excited :p
  • Me!! Im due oct.6th and its already hot as hell here in houston,tx

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