Any GOOD baby daddy/Husband :-)



  • My husband is great! Our fourth child and I have been with him since I was 15 hsd our first child at 20.
  • My boyfriend is wonderful, this is our first and his second. He wasn't really there for his bm but they were never really a couple they just had sex a couple time and she became pregnant, with me he is the exact opposite he goes to every Dr appointment, rubs my back when it hurts, makes me food and always wants to feel her move n kick! I couldn't ask for anyone better than him, oh and also just bares with my mood swings! Love him lots
  • My bf is really nice to me! When I get my stupid leg cramps at night he massages my legs for me. N he understands my mood swings lol
  • My bf is fantastic even when I'm being horrible to him or feeling insecure he hugs me and tells me I'm beautiful and he loves me. @412mommy you're right about men brainwashing you. My ex had so much power over me and treated me terribly before and during the pregnancy. The pregnancy wasn't planned but I de used to have the baby anyway and I'm do glad I did he made me realise I wanted better for him so I left his dad and I've now been with my wonderful bf for 3 years and I m 27 weeks. He doesn't see himsrlf as a 1st time dad because he sees my son as his and treats him like that. I love my bf xx
  • Decided not de used lol
  • My boyfriend is so sweet he tells me how beautiful I am, and how special I am now because I'm going to be a mommy! This is our first and her gets me whatever I need whenever I ask I could never ask for more. I love and appreciate him so much.
  • Omgosh, my husband deserves an award for being an awesome everything. I am truly blessed. This us our 4th child and the worse pregnancy.. I've been so sick and he tells me how sorry he is.. He makes me breakfast and helps around the house. He is the best daddy in the world. He has gotten up in the middle of the nite in a snow storm to get me warm cookies and ice cream. We need to acknowledge these great men, maybe the bad ones can learn a thing or two from these great men!
  • Am so glad ladies we have GOOD men! Hopefully the bad ones can ready this forum!
  • The husband is AMAZING.....TREAT ME LIKE A QUEEN. Couldn't ask for a better man.
  • Am so glad ladies we have GOOD men! Hopefully the bad ones can ready this forum!
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  • Idk what I would do without my fiance! He is incredible. This is our first and he is very excited about his little girl. He does everything for me even when he's mad. In fact i just got an early vday present ( pearl necklace) He kisses me and my belly before he goes to work. He is at EVERY doc appt. He personally hands me my prenatals. I couldn't ask for anything better.
  • My husband is awesome! He has been a great help. I couldn't imagine doing this without him. This is our first pregnancy so he is going all out. He has a Daddy-Cam LOL. He records everything LOL. I love my husband so much!
  • My husband is great. He does get a lil lazy on the helping out part, but now that this is our third, and I lectured him on how much I really do and go through, he has been much more helpfull. He gets moody but he loves us soooo much. And het gets up to take my son to school every day, fix's breakfast and gets me things i'm craving, even when I really don't want to be eating the things Im craving lol So yes, some of us do have amazing supportive husbands. He can't wait for his lil girl to get here. Neither can I :)
  • My fiance is great! I'm in my first trimester and I'm sick all the time. I have three kids and he has one but he cooks, cleans, and make sure the kids are doing what they are supposed to do. He makes sure I'm okay and not bothered. Its our first together. I just can't wait to get over this sickness but i have a great supporter in my man!
  • @jojo30 I'm glad you found better! We always need a jerk from our past to help us appreciate the great men we've found. I wish we could help our friends see that their men suck!
  • twin_angle~that great you found a good man and he accept your kids as his that a great thing.
    *ATTENTION ALL LADIES WITH THE GREAT HUSBAND AND BF*~let take care of are men on v day just so they know we thank them for all there love an support!
  • I have an amazing husband. When we found out our two year old had down syndrome he immediately quit his job to take care of her and our oldest...then two. He relocated to ny from florida for MY job without fuss. Now #3 is on the way...he is getting his boy! He does EVERYTHING! he is an amazing man, husband, and dad!

    I wouldn't be me without him
  • I love my husband! He is my biggest support system. I love when he gets all excited for our baby. He always shows me he cares about me. He truly is the best husband!
  • My husband is great! He takes care of me and supports me and our two little girls:)
  • Im with an amazing man. We've been together for 2 years and this is our first. He's so supportive, helpful, and very excited about our baby! He even went and got a pedicure with me yesterday :)
  • My husband met last june and were married in august. I knew after our third date that I never wanted to spend another day without him. He is being so incredible and loving, as always. He makes me whatever whenever, talks to my belly, he studies about pregnancy and really is involved. I feel so lucky to have him :)
  • Mine is amazing, he is even a great father to my seven year old. He is very nervous about having a newborn, this is his first, but he has been taking everything in stride. He doesn't understand why I am so tired all the time however.
  • I LOVE my boyfriend/babydaddy I am very Blessed to have him. Although he is not the father of my 2year old daughter he treats her like she's his own they get along very well. It puts a big smile on my face to see them play together. My daughters father was not good to me he mentally abused me and hit me a couple times he does NOTHING for my child. Wen my bf found out I was prego he been working overtime and finishing college jus so he can take care of us. Everybody tells me how lucky I am to have him. :)
  • Yes, they are good husbands and boyfriends out there my boyfriend loves the baby more than me as soon as he see me he goes straight for my belly. My baby gets the first kiss
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