Hispanic mommies w/ boys

edited May 2011 in Baby names
What are you gonna name your baby boy?


  • My hubby is irish. So im stuck with a patrick thomas... but I got a boy :) !!!!!
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  • I have 2 already Maximus Javier and Jacob Jorge. I'm having a girl now Olivia Beatriz. All middle names are grandparents.
  • I went the way I wanted. Ryan Dorian for son. People are always like thats irish but its what I wanted.
  • My boys are Guillermo & Jonathan... we don't use their middle names
  • My hubby black he wants rian apollo henderson...i told him juan pablo miguel de la cruz lol I was kidding but he thought I was foreal
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  • My husb is hispanic. Were naming our son Xavier Luis.
  • edited May 2011
    @1girl1boy88- We had the hardest time coming up with a name that sounds good in English/Spanish, we finally decided on the name Julian. It sounds good in both languages:)
  • @1girl1boy88 do haves names?
  • @cali83 yes that is exactly what I want I love the name james but hubby dosnt like it. And my mom disagrees with every english sounding name because he will have dark skin and will look real mexican with a white name.....:(
  • Btw I like the name julian, I might just steal it.
  • My boys are Gabriel Julian, Yovani emilio n this one will b Ezra Noel
  • edited May 2011
    I'm cuban and bd is dominican..If its a boy its Yaziel (ya-see-el) Izaiah and girl Yazili (Ya-see-li) Brianah ;)
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  • @ ladicapo love that name yaziel what sites it mean do you know?
  • @1girl1boy88- Thanks, you can totally steal it...lol and I know what you mean my sister would criticize every name we came up with, until she finally liked Julian:)
  • @1girl1boy88 I actually made it up cuz I like the name Eliel actually I love it but bd hates it so I tried to find a name that ends in -iel and came up with Yaziel ;)
  • Me and bd are Hispanic. Can't find a good name we both like that doesn't sound too Mexican or too white:/
  • I'm not Hispanic, but my bf is. We're naming our son Dominic Zay.
  • We are both hispanic and want to name our son James Blake..sounds pretty non latino to me lol, but its all we could agree on.
  • Im puertorican hubby is black if we have a girl he has no say so in naming her and I chose Laylah Naria. If its a boy which im hoping its not lol the only name I like is Jaysen Xavier but he is being a prick about it. But with our son I had no choice but to name him Rondell Ervin Jr. So I told him with this one he needs to step aside and mind his cuz Ima name this baby what ever I want lol
  • I'm naming my little man Julian but spelling it .....with an E.....(I think I looks manly) but who am I to know what that looks like! LOL.... Julien Alexzander. The other name was going to be Max Alexzander. Both hispanic and very strong names. Good luck.
  • I'm Dominican and so is my boyfriend, were naming our son Anthony Alexander.
  • im white but my bd is cuban. we wanted a name that started with J because his name is jonathan and his 3 year old is joseiah so we're naming our son julian...unless my fiance changes his name again :/
  • Im not hispanic but my godson is..his name is alexavier .
  • We told everyone were naming our son Juan Julio Avalos and going with jj... they know were keeping it a secret though.

    were really naming him Aizik (isaac) Adrien. middle name is my hubbys.
    Neither of us really like Mexican names so we chose something Spanish speakers in our fam can pronounce.
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