how to relief colic on newborns

edited May 2011 in Health
i think my baby has colic does anybody know any remedies ir things u can use to
help him relief this pain...also what are the symptoms of colics just wanna make sure it is colics...thanks ladies:)


  • We thought my son had colic but he didn't we switched his formula and he became a different baby. He was on the normal stuff and then we switched him to enfamil lacto-free and he was so much better. No more screaming. Less spit up. Happy baby.
  • yeah have doc confirm it. our son that passed away in november was lactose intolerant and had acid reflux we were sure of collic but when we got those two taken care of- he was doing a lot better
  • My mom is an ex "real" hippie... like living off the land hippie, not peace signs & all that, lol... but her advice to me when my daughter started to colic worked like magic; she told me when the sun starts to set, turn off all electrical devices (tv, silence your phone) dim the lights, and lay down with your baby skin-to skin while the sun sets.
    I know- it sounds ridiculous!... but my daughter colicked for 3 days & I was desperate, so I tried it & what do you know? It worked! Lol... I did it every night for a couple of weeks, and my daughter NEVER colicked again.
    If you're not into that, or if it doesn't work for you- definitely try Gripe Water... I used that when she was teething or gassy & it works very well. Good luck! :)
  • oh and the reason for doc to confirm it is because lactose intolerant and acid reflux and collic all have very very close symptoms
  • ummm.. chamomile...(mansanilla in spanish)
    Boil water add chomimile to boiling water.. Drain out ONLY water( water will turn yellowish color.. Bring it to a warm temp and serve it to bby in his bottle. Just like you would feed milk servings. Its 100% safe and guaranteed to works! I ALWAYS used it for my babies and plan on using it for this one!! '

    YOu can find this in the produce department on your grocery store!
    It looks like hay..(lol)
  • @betty- yes chamomille totally works, my mom used that for both of my niece's and it helped.
  • Getting it adjusted by a chiropractor works
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  • I would talk to your doctor first to make sure. My daughter had colic & I used gripe water & it works like a charm. I have told 3 friends of mine bout it & now they live by it.
  • I tried everything when my daughter had colic. It was sooo bad. I would still be up with her when my husband would be getting up for work. The only thing that stopped it was switching her to soy formula.
  • I hear a lot of people say gripe water works great. I wish I would have known about it before.
  • Whats gripe water?
  • Thank you ladies :) @betty my mom said the same thing for colics...
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