im always really tired is tht normal?!?

Well let's see I'm always tired during the day & I take long naps but I'm also around a normal time at night to & I sleep all night long I don't understand why I constantly want to sleep could their be somerthing wrong?


  • Wat trimester r u in?
  • I'm in my third trimester and I'm quite young I'm only 17 so I thougt maybe being young had something to do with it but idk I'm 32 weeks now but all I ever wanna do is sleep all the time.
  • I'm 32 weeks and wanna sleep all the time!!! I get like two naps a week though but can def relate.
  • I'm in my third and at least you can sleep. I sit here at work and am so tired but even when I try to sleep I can't. I'm 31 weeks 6 days, is your iron levels good?
  • Im 32 weeks n all I wana do is have my feet up n sleep with my body pillow
  • Do you crave ice? Could be low iron, have you had it checked? But that's a worse case. I was tired all the time and my doctor gave me some iron supplements, I'm not that tired anymore.
    I'm 32 weeks as well now.
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