Kids say the darnedest things!

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
My baby isn't here yet, but one thing I'm looking forward to is when she starts saying silly things! I love hearing/reading stories of what kids say..

I just read one in Parent's magazine about a little boy who was playing with his toy soldiers while mom was folding clothes. She said he had quiet an imagination, they climbed a sweater mountain and had bunkers made out of socks. Then the kids noticed a pile of bras beside her, and said, "Oh no! Booby traps!"

I lol'ed! What's something funny your kid/a kid you know said? I need another good laugh!


  • me and my mom were in the car for six hours on our way home female Dallas. my son must have been uncomfortable cause I looked back and asked him how he was doing and he pipes back with a big frowny. face and says mama I misreble lol. I felt bad and laughed at the same time((:
  • My 6 year old son always says "You're breaking my heart Mom" when I tell him to clean up, do something he doesn't want to do or gets in trouble.

    My almost 5 year old daughter always says to me "Can you please excuse me for a second, I will be right back." She is normally a little booger that I have to remind to say please and thank you.
  • My son is turning 8 soon so I asked him what he's gonna do when he doesn't have to sit in a booster seat and he responds I don't know get a job...maybe president so I can change all the rules and I asked him what rules and he said that boys get to go first and the girls have to hold the door for boys. Lol he cracks me up
  • My daughter and i were at the mall a few weeks ago and i had an upset tummy so we high tailed it to the potty room. Well while doing my business she was in her stroller being good just playing with a toy. A few woman walk in and my daughter starts shouting "Mommys Pooping" over and over lol i was mortified at the time but it was funny
  • Heck I wish my daughter never learned to talk she's nine and wont shut up!
  • @kristaf22 my son is 7 and still does that. Hell come and sit on my lap all lovey dovey and give me a kiss and fart on me. Sneaky guy!
  • My son turned 2 in January and one of his favorite movies is the 3rd Shrek. There's a part on there when they are headed to the castle and they say something like "land of swimming pools and movie stars" For some reason he picked up the word movie stars and says it all the time. Except he doesn't pronounce it correctly and says "boobie bars" lol.
  • @Lucy_loo_288 i busted out laughing earlier when i read that one in my magazine
  • I was at the hospital Saturday because I was having some pain. And when the doctor came in to see me my 4 year old boy was asking the doctor where her spoon was to take out the baby haha. I think he OS watching to many birthing shows with me.
  • My daughter is three and today she pointed to my tummy and asks if Emma's head was right there. I told her no and pointed to were her head was and body and feet were. And she reply, her body? She's naked? You need to go put clothes on her. I told her Emma needs to be naked right now and we can get her dressed later.
  • My 7 yr old sisters were wondering how babies get in your tummy... i said, what do you think? one said, well, you get married, and then you dream about having a baby, and God puts it there. :)
  • One day I went over my moms house and she wasnt done cooking at the moment, so my little 7 year old brother said to her: im hungry, so she told him to eat something, he got mad because the food wasnt done and said: what do you want me to eat??.garbage??
  • My lil 7 yr old bro was sat on my knee when i said ooo baby's just kicked so he poked my belly and said hey don't kick my big sister! haha to cute
  • Lol! These r too funny.... I was hanging around with my nephew when I got bad heartburn and he saw me in pain and said "auntie your not going to throw the baby up right now are you? Because I am not ready for that". LOL!!
  • My 2 yr old was running around at the hospital and ran into the sink/counter. He got up rubbing his head looked at us and said "owwww that huwd". My mom, dad, hubbub and I all burst out laughing...I love this age-every day he has some new phrase.
  • My BD has 4 other kids. The three girls the other day were all sitting on my lap and one of them goes, I want to see the baby!! Pull your shirt up so we can look through your belly button! All three of them had to take a trun trying to look through my belly button for the baby. :-)
  • My daughter isn't even two yet and I have a story already lmao... ok so my lil gurl was stayn with ma mom for a couple days so I was callin to check on her. So my mom ask her do u miss your mommy? She says No. So mommy ask her do u miss your daddy she yells No grandma now hang up the phone!!! Smh
  • Lol when I told my almost 3 year old that she was going to have a baby brother and he was in my tummy, I expected her to be confused and have alot of questions. Instead she just looked at me in the eyes and said "i understand mommy." Lol.. Shes such a character.. The other day I tried to teach her to count to ten in spanish and she got frustrated and yelled "i dont speak spanish !!" Crossed her arms and slammed the door. Haha
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  • When we first tried telling the youngest(she turned 3 last Friday) we went thru the whole you want a brother? No. A sister? No. A little bother(from olivia the show)? No. A puppy? No puppies smell LOL
    we brought it up again a week or so ago and she said no again to each option...but this time after saying no to puppy she paused and said puppy first please LOL
  • My daughter turned 2 this past december and we make sure she always tries to mind her manners and say please and thank you. Well the other day she was supposed to be eating her lunch and she said "ok mom I am ready for my Popsicle" I said "you have to eat your lunch and if you do that then you can get a Popsicle" she looked at me with a serious face and said " no thank you I want a Popsicle not this but thank you anyways" she is so smart sometimes and uses it against you lol. And when I finally convinced her there really was no Popsicle w/o eating food first I said " who said anything about a Popsicle anyways?" She responded, "well I did mom don't you know" lol and we both laughed she acts so much older than two sometimes. :)
  • My friend's three year old told her, "Mommy my peanuts hurt!" She asked him why he'd said that; and he responded, "I been sitting down all day."
  • My nephew was telling my dad that him and his dad were going fishing and my dad says "oh are you going fishing in the boat?" And my nephew looks at him like he's crazy and says "no pawpaw you don't fish in the boat you fish in the water!" He's three and already so outside the box its scary!
  • When my cousin was younger(4y/o), an older cousin caught her with a tall glass of milk. My older cousin asked her (the younger cousin)what she was going to do with all that milk. The younger one replied, "I gotta drink it all, so I can get a [closes one eye and measures a small space between index and thumb] lil bit of milk in my [rubs flat chest] tittlies!"
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