would i be wrong

If I dnt call my bd WHEN I go n labor.... he have done me so wrong hurt me worst than anything denying my baby left me fa another girl..... we had started bak talking but he keep putting her before my baby and I'm not having dat cuz my baby comes first.... I really dnt KNW wat to do I dnt want to be mean just cuz he done me wrong I'm so stressed and depressed.... no negative comments please I just need sum encouraging words and advice I dnt KNW wat to do ladies......


  • Im kinda in the same situation exept I found out I was prego after she was livin with him.. So my advice and what im doing.. Im giving him the option.. If he tells me he wants to be there then he can... If he doesnt hell miss oit on alot.. Nd if he wants to be there itll be support to you and your baby.. I understand that he did you wrong so if it would couse tension or make you incomfortable then go with you gut.. nd im not sayin you should forgive him, but honestly all guys are dogs nd comming from someone who grew up without her dad, everyone needs there daddy.. Hope I helped some
  • If he causes stress, I probably wouldn't allow him in the room. And if its really bad, then I would wait. But I would def make sure he is notified sometime very soon, if he wants to be there. My husband's daughter's mother didn't call him until after she was out of the hospital (it was out of spite, not for any other reason, tho) and it just pushed him away from her (the mom) even more. Give him the option to be there, but not so it stresses you out. (Just my opinion.)
  • @taby82210 yes u did help a whole lot cuz wat I really want is fa my Girl to have her dad n her life.... praying fa da best....thanks huni and I hope it get better fa u..... @Lucy_loo_288 we haven't been around each other n sum months but I do want him there cuz its such a beautiful experience..... Thanks fa da advice it really helped
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  • @almost4 o girl he gne behave cuz my daddy dnt play dat ish...... LOL
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  • I wouldnt deny him the opportunity to see his child birth....but like the other women say when he act yo send his ass out the room.
  • I would consider what's best for you while your in labor...if he is just going to come and be stressing you out then I would make him wait outside the room..the last thing you need is people stressing you out in that situation! I say if he want to come let him but if it starts to be too much for you tell him to wait outside & make sure he knows you do not want his girlfriend coming up to the hospital, believe it or not I know someone who brought their then girlfriend to the hospital, him n his bm weren't ever together but still that's a big slap in the face...
  • @mom2bia0528 he KNW how to act cuz he dnt want deal wit my dad and he KNW not to bring dat ignorant girl cuz things gne get ugly and She KNW not to come cuz I already got a a** whopping waiting fa her fa talking bout my baby... I just hope everything to go rite ugh.....
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