I cant stand some of the privileged women. They just expect everyone to do their job for them! Getting the baby room ready and baby proofing is part of the getting ready to be a mom experience!
@kansasmomma Im watching it right now & i just cant believe some of them one lady & her husband said the baby stuff was ugly & it was gonna cramp their style .. a baby is something the women like me dream of i wish i had a child to "cramp my style" lol sorry mini vent there
@ashley_smashley one lady didnt even want to give up her guest bedroom for the baby the only had the crib & changing table & she was 4weeks from her did date
Oh I have watched both of those, I can't believe how selfish some of them are. I know if I had there money I would buy everything under the sun my baby needs!!
@nikki2690, wouldn't you just love a "pregnancy concierge" LOL! "Rosie, I want to have a water birth in sparkling mountain water from the French Alps, can you get that for me?" LMAO! Wasn't it hilarious when that giant pregnant bride's dog peed on her train right before the wedding? No freaking way!!!
Some of the moms to be are just stupid, but I really like the lady and watching her story of trying to have a child. I don't know how she dose it, trying so hard to have a child and dealing with the stupid women every day
i watched it once and i swore not to again. by the title i thought it had to do with pregnancy fashion or something but then i heard the blond and some of her opinions and i was just disgusted. stupid show IMO.
I watched it once, but haven't seen it again. The one I saw was this lady and her crazy husband who needed a focus group to name their kid. It was nuts!!
Lol Im watching it now... She wants to be naked on her horse & then wants to show it to her friends & family at an art gallery..hfjjdg what is she thinking lol
@laura536 i know & then they picked a name everyone haced so what was thepoint of it. thats an exciting thing i wouldnt imagine having up to other people to do
Oh then when the lady wore her wedding dress to have the baby in