Thnks doc, you ignored my symptoms now im in danger :(
Okay my doc was awful n I was always n inconvience with my whining and whimpering about constant migraines, dizziness n extreme swelling. She made me uncomfortable about voicing my concerns n after officially being fisted military style today in her office, I decided theres something wrong with this doc n even though I am 38wks I need to switch. I immediately went to a nearby office n signed up to be their patient. Ten mins into my appt my bloodpressure was record high, my ft blew up n I lost feeling in my fingers.. The new doc asked me how long this had been occuring n I told him it was on a regular basis. I got bloodwrk done n while at the hospital I could not get my lft eye to focus. Surprize I have preeclampsia n have been guessed to have it my entire pregnancy. I have to do a 24 hr urine collection at home to verify my protein levels My instinct told me not to trust her now I might have an emergency induction the 27th
My last OB was a little worried about me developing preeclampsia. She said that you can have seizures if it gets too bad. Especially if ur getting headaches.