Constipation and diarrhea (TMI)

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm 12 weeks and have had horrible constipation since day one. People don't tell you the ugly sides to pregnancy! Anyway, I've tried all the natural remedies and had little to no relief. Then last Thursday (6 days ago) I had a horrible stomach ache, and diarrhea all day, then Friday, thru the weekend. Im nautous, from morning sickness, but not sick otherwise. I didn't see my dr on Monday but did see the PA, she wasn't too sure what to think, but said it was no big deal. Well my stomach hurts and I'm getting tired of that every so often feeling of urgency to "gotta go"! Everything I read says to talk to your dr if you have these symptoms...I feel overlooked by my clinic. Anyone else have diarrhea in the first/second trimester?


  • And third! I feel like I'm either blocked up or can't stop. I have found a lot of relief in eating tons of fruit--if it's hard to get down, put it on some bland cereal like Cheerios (my daily ritual and secret weapon). I literally put as much fruit as I do cereal in the bowl. My doctor basically said it's not fun, but it's common. Oh, yogurt has helped a lot too. And when your constipated, go for a brisk walk... I usually end up walking home funny (and fast) because it gets things moving so well. Tmi, but I hope it helps!!
  • Lol. Thanks. It sucks!
  • It SO sucks. But it's SO worth it, right?
  • That has happened to me the whole pregnancy. I had bad constipation and when it ended, it became diarrhea. Since then I have had half normal days and the rest alternate between the two. Every time I mention it to a medical professional they do not show concern. Fiber, like benefiber, works for the constipation and probably helps the diarrhea too, I didn't really pay attention and have run out of the benefiber.
  • Yeah, I'm so excited! I'm high risk, so I went to a specialist today, they did an ultrasound and got measurements, it lasted about 45 min, and baby was bouncing all around, waving it's hand, it was AMAZING!!!
  • Yay! It's so nice getting so intrude on their little worlds. Good luck, mama. Just remember also... drink tons o' water!
  • Since being pregnant I canr really go at all yu are lucky
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