About how expensive is a child?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Maybe like, approximately how much a month extra for all baby needs?


  • If your breastfeeding you won't have to buy formula. Formula gets really expensive. About 20 to 40 a month on diapers. If the baby gets sick you'll need Little Noses and Tylenol. You will eventually need Oragel.
  • Above is very true. Also the beginning is most expensive because crib swing bouncer stroller car seat. Depending upon where you buy all those things it can be very pricey. But after all the essentials are bought. Monthly all you need km consider are diapers bath shampoo and lotion. And babies in the first year grow extremely fast so clothes every few months. There is also baby clothes cleaner.(can't think of a better word) and I myself go through a lot of that. So monthly it isn't to bad but in the long run its expensive lol
  • Call up wic in your area and talk with someone there. They have all kinds of resources that can help you plan so you can start saving. :)
  • This is the best question I've seen on here! I've been so curious to ask, but I didn't want anyone to think of me as cheap or to think that I was counting my child as an expense. I signed up for WIC early in pregnancy, they've helped soo much! & I plan on using formula, which they also supply coupons for.
  • We are using cloth diapers. They cost a lot at first but they save you tons of money in the long run. They have several different kinds and they are easier and way cuter than they used to be. They have youtube videos that show you how to use them. You will save lots of money
  • Thanks for all the input. :) Seeing as how I have a record of wasteing money and only ever having enough to just squeak by, I best start planning now. I'll definantly have to get ahold of wic, a good friend recommended that to me right off the bat.
  • I know ud wasnt budget wise but my.mum always tells me $ 250000 debt I'm in australia so I 6uess I have $750000 wirth of debt na $ 290000 mortgage haha
  • It's worse when they get older. My daughter has just cost me a fortune as she needed school bag and trousers and so on. X
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