Wish this naseaus feeling would just go away !

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Feeling so sick to my stomach ughhh


  • Aww it will get better as u get further along
  • I am 10 weeks and it's just starting to get better. Hang in there. How far along are you?
  • I hope because I didnt feel this way when I was pregnant with my son
  • Um bout 10 weeks myself and yes it does get better
  • Im only 6 weeks just naseaus an tender breast and ive never felt this way for my first just hate the feeling of wanting to vommit but never comes up
  • It goes away which is the goodnews and if it gets unbearable ask your dr for zofran...no need to be miserable
  • U should try eating a Lil sum for u get outta bed it used to help me
  • Lmao yes zofran was my best friend when I first found out
  • @ mamamaid I do ill have like toast or something but still this feeling is there an I dont have my first appt til march 14 a whole month away
  • Try ginger tea, saltines, minty gum, lemon water or the motion sickness bands
  • U should try burnt toast I kno it sounds weird but it helps
  • And im always laying down because it gets worse when im walking around all my symptoms this time around are so different from my first that I feel like im just sick an not pregnant at all
  • Suckers helped me. I carry them with me everywhere
  • Suckers ????
  • I had really bad morning sickness first part of my pregnancy I lost seven lbs and it was so bad I would need to go to the ER (6 times) my midwives gave me prescription for nausea pill that dissolved in your mouth worked awesome but my insurance only payed for ten at a time... And soft foods helped too like jello pudding Apple sauce n water water water
  • Thanks im definetly gonna try it ... My first appt is still not til march 14 though
  • It'll get better. Of course im 26 wks and still have morning sickness. I've just accepted that im just going to be sick my whole pregnancy
  • I hope !!!
  • I am feeling that sick that I am bringing everything up that I eat so I have started eating tiny bits I am 8 weeks today I was like this with my 2 girls so I think I am having another girl
  • my first was a boy an this pregnancy feels so different im not having the same symptoms so makes me feel like am I really pregnant im only 6 weeks
  • I've been n bed for 4 days n its driving me crazy! I'm only 6 weeks n I've never felt this bad so early into the pregnancy. This baby better get it together I leave 4 Vegas n 3 weeks. Lol
  • Ask your doctor about Phenergan or Zofran....the both work really well with nausea!
  • I lucked out. I only threw up once at 8 weeks. And I only went through about a two week period of moderate nausea. I can't even imagine going through the sickness a lot of pregnant women go through. I had a hard enough time with the little I had.
  • mine has not gone away and im 23+3 weeks pregnant:(
  • I have been sick throwing up 10+++ times every day, nauseaus constantly, cannot keep anything down- I've tried phenergan did not work... zofran does not work I just throw up right up.. on top of that horrible migranes dr gave me lortab also but once again cannot keep it down.. any suggestions???
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