y does it seem like everything is going so slow?

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm due 07/28 and omg I don't know.
Maybe I'm just tired of being pregnant.... baby shower is Sunday sooooo Im gonna pack bag after that qgicb will make me more angry cause I'm going to be starring at it lol


  • The last couple months are the longest! I'm due Saturday I feel like I have been pregnant forever! My cousin had her baby two weeks ago which made it even worse bc now I'm just like ok when will I finally get to hold my baby?! Hang in there!
  • Lol... I feel the same way. I have 6 weeks left.... I wish it would go a little faster than it is.
  • Sounds like third trimester syndrome! Lol, time just seems to stop!
  • Because it IS going so slow! Ugh...time is DRAGGING! :-S
  • Times moving?!? Not for me. It's not even slow, but its at a stand still!!
  • Im still not showing and still havnt seen a doc and im 15 weeks... I want a belly getting me worried! But last few monthes have been dragging and im not even half way done yet!
  • I'm due in 19 days and it feels like its dragging now..I knew it would..I've had my bag packed for a long time and I keep takin the stuff out and re packing it hahaha It seems like the day is never gonna get here cuz I want to meet my baby so badly
  • @Neek I am due 7/30... I feel the exact same way. I open this app, everday, to look at the stat section; and I would swear (some days) the countdown is adding day rather than removing them. I'm like "ugh, still in the ??? week!"
    I guess, I am just analyzing it too much... I count the weeks, then I count the days, then the months.
    Maybe, I will have to try denying myself this app (if at all possible)...
  • I'm due in 4 days been contractions mucus plug came out the 18th been 2 cm since 35 weeks I have the doctors appt tomorrow hopefully they tell me to go to the hostpial
  • @neek I totally feel you. I'm 32 weeks and I feel like the end is no where in sight. It's taking forever.
  • I'm 32 weeks as well and I'm so done being pregant, constantly in pain and hard to enjoy it with the heat in fl.
  • Am due sat went to see midwife 2 day for a sweep and she said looks like I might go soon and never done the sweep ... grrr still no baby
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