baby on nerve

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Anyone have any problems with the baby being on a nerve that affects your legs and back.? I've been having horrible pains and my ob says that is what is causing it. I can't remember the name of it. I'm 29 weeks (due April 9, 2011) with my second boy.


  • I'm having a similar problem for a few weeks. It's a horrible pain on my left side and down my left leg, when I last got a check up they said baby's head was tucked down on the left side of my pelvis so i'm sure they must be pressing a nerve. But haven't been told how to ease the pain! Even baths don't help. :-( i'm 30 weeks btw.
  • have you tried crawling around on all fours it might move the hasn't forward into an ideal birthing position and off your nerves this is my 3rd 22 weeks bath don't cut it this time either n my baby's to little to position yet but you might be able to all the best
  • My doctor told me there wasn't much I could do. Except apply heat and try to find a position that didn't hurt that bad, but nothing seems to be working. It actually seems to be getting worse. Today it hurt so bad I thought I was having back labor or something.
  • I forget wat its called starts wit a p. Pain all in my hips n lower back even hurts to walk. Went away for bout two weeks but its back with a vengince. Thirty one weeks n cant wait to have her
  • Sciatic nerve? I've had horrible problems with mine, especially this far along. I'm 33 weeks & I get bad pains in my lower back, into my butt & legs.
  • Its called SCIATIA and its horrible!!! ill be walking and I lose my leg control looks like I have walking disability they should give us handicap parking permits while we are pregnant lol but the best way I have found to ease pain is lay on your back and put your legs up (like draped over the arm of your couch) so your butt is elevated a bit above your pelvis it relieves pressure on the "pinched nerve"
  • Yes that is it. It is horrible!
  • Ya I get that pretty bad as well. Its evil stuff!
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