So I'm 27 weeks pregnant & I've been having this constant pain on my left side like right up under my rib cage. They feel just like the stretching pains except they're constant. Anybody else expierence this???
Ill say this, u wrote ths msg b4 8am (my time) & now its a hair after 11am . U should get comments on it soon since its a lil later & since u & I commented on it, it refreshed ur question to go near the top of the list, maybe no body has seen it yet.. n I'm not far along, 12wks, so I can't help u much w tht, but wanted to let u knw tht maybe nobdies seen ths... id call ur dr or sumthing & discribe ur pain... also maybe go to search & type in a few keywrds & u might find a topic tht could help, or google, but maybe call the dr... I'm sry I'm no help w ur topic. Hope u get better tho.
Thanks ladies for commenting! @USMCwifemommy101107 Oh that sounds so lovely! Lol not. Yea I'm 18 so that might be why. I tried calling my doctor but they're bad about not returning calls! So that's why I posted it on here. I kinda thought it might be something like that I just thought it would be both ribs instead of just one tho. Thanks tho!(: @GirlsLoveInk thanks for trying to help! Congrats on the babies ladies!
. U should get comments on it soon since its a lil later & since u & I commented on it, it refreshed ur question to go near the top of the list, maybe no body has seen it yet.. n I'm not far along, 12wks, so I can't help u much w tht, but wanted to let u knw tht maybe nobdies seen ths... id call ur dr or sumthing & discribe ur pain... also maybe go to search & type in a few keywrds & u might find a topic tht could help, or google, but maybe call the dr... I'm sry I'm no help w ur topic. Hope u get better tho.