12 wks 3 days. how to find out sex??

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I am 12 weeks 3 days. I got my first ultrasound done when I was 10 weeks 5 days, and I was surprised at how much my baby looked like a baby. I could make out fingers, toes, and vaguely the baby's nose and mouth area. But, obviously 10 weeks 5 days is a bit too early to find out the sex of the baby. My husband and I recently discovered we can get a 3D ultrasound and figure out the sex of our baby as early as 13 weeks. And, I'm definately an impaitent mom, since this is my first, so I want to go ahead and do the 3D. But, I'm kind of weary about spending a lot of money on an ultrasound, when I could be saving for things the baby will need. Is there any other leigtimate way to find out the sex? I've done the chinese gender chart, and it says I'm having a boy, which is what we're hoping for, I just need better results. Any suggestions?


  • I understand your impatience, but you will have another sono later on in pregnancy to determine sex. 3d sonos are awesome, my best friend had one with hers, but can get a little pricey. Do some research, see if you can find a place that will take a deposit and payment plans.
  • My doc can tell at 11 weeks well 80% sure...since she showed me I have been able to tell on all my friend ultrasounds pics....been 100% rright on 8 babies

  • I don't have much experience with other methods. Tried chinese calendar, but not sure if its right yet.
  • @4senough.. I didn't know places would do payment plans, but now that I do, that's definately something to look into. Thanks!
  • Ya that's what my friend did. She got her scan the day she made her last payment. It was pretty awesome.
  • You don't get 3ds until your around 30 weeks so don't waste your money yet.
  • There is a new test to determine baby's sex called GenderIntell. I purchased mine at Target for $30. It can tell you the sex of your baby much sooner than ultrasound...8-10 weeks. For more info checkout GenderIntells website.
  • Test is also known as the intelligender test.....They are suppose to be 80% accurate. Also I think you have to be 10 weeks before the There are rules to follow on the test and certain things that cannot happen for 72 hours prior to testing....No sex... The test is something I will be doing in the next week or two but Just make sure you follow the directions on the box to a T
  • Red Cabbage test? get red cabbage and chop it up boil it in water for 10 minutes.....Drain the water into a bowl or jar......Use first morning urine and mix equal parts of urine to equal parts juice from red cabbage.....Pink or red is a boy and darker purple is a girl........Good Luck
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  • Thanks for the correction Tammy1979! It's IntelliGender. Im 36weeks now...its been a long while since i took the test. The test indicated i was having a boy. Im high risk and have had ~15 ultrasounds that says indeed there are boy parts on my unborn baby.
  • My doctor tried to tell at 13 weeks said she was 80% sure it was a girll. Now we are 26 weeks and she was right. They told my sister the same thing she had a boy. I have heard that home teat works pretty well but you have to follow the directions to a T
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