12 wks 3 days. how to find out sex??
I am 12 weeks 3 days. I got my first ultrasound done when I was 10 weeks 5 days, and I was surprised at how much my baby looked like a baby. I could make out fingers, toes, and vaguely the baby's nose and mouth area. But, obviously 10 weeks 5 days is a bit too early to find out the sex of the baby. My husband and I recently discovered we can get a 3D ultrasound and figure out the sex of our baby as early as 13 weeks. And, I'm definately an impaitent mom, since this is my first, so I want to go ahead and do the 3D. But, I'm kind of weary about spending a lot of money on an ultrasound, when I could be saving for things the baby will need. Is there any other leigtimate way to find out the sex? I've done the chinese gender chart, and it says I'm having a boy, which is what we're hoping for, I just need better results. Any suggestions?