can you lay on your back when your pregnant

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Will it kill the baby?


  • No it wont kill the baby. As ypu get further along its not always comfortable for you.
  • As long as your comfy lay however you want. The baby and your body will tell you if you need to move
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  • when you lay on your back, beyond 5(i think?) months of pregnancy depending on your belly size, it puts the weight of your uterus on the Vena Cava, which is the artery that supplies oxygenated blood to the lower half of your body. it can deprive the baby of oxygen and also make your feet start to go numb, so it is advised against. most sources say do not do it, and recommend laying on your left side while sleeping to increase blood flow to the baby and aid digestion. a few sources say you will feel when the blood is restricted, but since everyone is different i wouldn't risk it. :)
  • I sleep hard so I never can tell when I'm doing it until I wake up, lol
  • edited May 2011
    I cant b on my back ..everytime i lay on my back i feel outta breath and alot of pressure in my chest.
  • @proudmother1 i use a boppy full body pregnancy pillow in the front as well as a regular body pillow behind me so i can't roll onto my back, which works almost all of the time. my more restless nights i roll onto the body pillow lol!
  • I always always lay on my left side to sleep but when I'm chillin on my bed I am addicted to laying on my back to feel my baby move!.I'm addicted to it (:
  • edited May 2011
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  • I'm 23 weeks n I lay how ever I feel comfortable... I heard bout the laying on the back thing but if something goes wrong I wuld feel it... I used to love laying on my belly but now I kant.. but its usually my sides n sometimes my bak
  • I lay on my right 98% of the time. 1.5% on my back and. 5% on my left side. I was actually just laying on my left side and my foot went numb, I didn't know it though til I accidentally rubbed my other foit against it.
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