I had my boy :D
So yesterday morning I came to the hospital to be induced. They checked me and I was only 1cm dialated. soo they gave me that pill you insert to ripen your cervix.4 hours later I was checked and dialated only t)a little more than 1cm So thet gave me 2 more pill incerts 4 hours later.I started having contractions 2 minutes apart but I was only dialated to 2 cm.So they started pitocin. About 2:45am my water broke and my contractions were so hard and painful I was having excruciating contractions on top of each other and it was also back labor . The anesthesoligst was stuck in surgery and so they had to call the on call one who was at home. I seriously thought I was going to die.At 4:15 he finally showed. It took him 3 tries to get the epidural finally at about 4:30am I got major relief from the contractions that come from the worst hell. I told the guy he was better then superman!amy body was dead from the waist down But then everyone started acting really strange I guess my bp droped down to nothing and th next thing I know I am shaking and can't stop chattering. I was given a shot of epherdine and put on oxygen. I stablized. Was checked and was 6cm . Everyone took a breather.Despite the fact I was so numb from the waste down I could feel pressure about 5 minutes later. I was fully dilated and babys head was there.So they tld me next contraction. I could push...I beared down as hard as I could and pushed. 1 push and he was born at dawn with a beautiful sunrise starting 5:08am ......
Sylas Archer Legend. 8lbs 4oz. 20 in long!
Sylas Archer Legend. 8lbs 4oz. 20 in long!
Are your sons luvn thier new brother?