threatened Miscarriage

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 18 and I am 14 weeks pregnant , last week I bled the tiniest amount and I mean stupid amount, and then experienced very very mild cramps , and it worried me as I haven't bled at all through my pregnancy. The doc said it could have been a threatened miscarriage where my body is telling me I'm doing too much,

However I know around this time if development is when your uterus expands and that could explain the achey pains, and my doc said it could be my back ache causing the tummy pains

Just wanted to know if anyone else had experienced this ?
Thanks :) x


  • Me! I actually bled a little bit yesterday and today! (It was a really tiny bit tho)Idk why and I haven't been to the doc yet so hopefully the baby is okay...and I'm 18 as well. :)
  • Im 18 wks... And last week i bleed and passed an egg size clog. I went to ER... Everything looks good. Went bak to my Dr and he had me on intense bed rest. And now Im on medical leave until a specialist sees me. My dr called it threatned misscarriage. I still get sharp lower bak pains and cramps but no bleedn. Im scared.
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  • A little bit of bleeding is ok they say that is normal on all miscarriage web sites
    It is when you start a full bleed they worry just take it easy for awhile and read up on miscarriages to know if u should be worried ... just went through one a few months ago but we got pg the next month good luck ...
  • I had a period for 7 weeks straight when I got pregnant and everything turned out ok.
  • I forgot to say my second daughter I has bleed for 6 months it was just one of the freak things and she was just fine she was a week early ... so it is not always a miscarriage it could be that is how your body deals just be informed on all and ask question to your docs .
  • Yeah the doc put me on bedrest for a few days and everything is fine, just can't wait to see my midwife in Feb to see my results from my scan as I want her to check my babys heartbeat so my mind is at ease

    Thankyou for commenting you have all put my mind at ease a lot more x
  • I went to the er with cramping and a little spotting...when it was all said and done I was told I had a threatened miscarriage and part of my placenta was detached from the uterus wall...the doctors advice....u should be fine if not there is nothing we can do about to love military doctors
  • Oh so what did they say you had to do? Just stay bedridden?
  • I just had a threatned misscarriged also I went to the emergency room and they told me to take it easy and no sex no douch no tampons until me sytpoms clear up and to make an appointment as soon as posible so my appoimenys on friday I hope everything is good and my sytpoms have cleared im only 6 weeks
  • Well to be honest I was bedridden and now I feel fine, but when I saw my doctor he told me that most of the pains are to do with your development, but after I rested my symptoms have died down so much, so just take it easy x
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