7weeks 2 days with my 4th child

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I recently found out I was pregnant with my fourth child.... As you can tell by my name I am hoping for a boy. I have 3 girls ages 9, 5, and 4. But my husband has 3 boys 9, 4, and 3weeks. Hopefully we take his odds lol


  • Just kinda lost... your husband has a 3 week old that's not yours? Sorry for intruding
  • Oh its ok before we got married in oct we seperated briefly in april. Things happened we reconciled but it was already done. Couldn't get upset just welcomed a new baby into our lives.
  • I'm 7 weeks 1 day with my second. My daughter is 3. We are hoping for a boy aswell. And a happy and healthy pregnancy!
  • Good luck to u. We r ttc. Really want a boy too. We have 3 girls.
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