Having a baby & leaving the hospital without him, HARDEST THING EVER

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I miss my son so badd!! All I can do is picture his face & I wanna cry. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. He was premature born at 34 weeks he has to stay in ICU & I'm at home. I hate EVERY second of it, I have a car to go & visit him but this hurts. He's under all these lights & stuff =(


  • Ask the hospital if they have a room/bed specifically for parents of NICU babies. Another mom here went thru that and it turned out they did have that option free (the poster whobsuggested it had it offered when she delivered for $7 a night).
  • I'll check on that but I don't think they do
  • Where is this?
  • @July2ndAustin Aww sweetheart I am sorry. I just went through this as well and I know how extremely hard it is. Just keep telling yourself its the best place for him. I was due May 16th and had my daughter April 19. She was 4 weeks early, but very tiny. I am here to talk, it will get better I promise. Also I know its hard but use this time to rest at home, so once he can come home you are recovered. Is he under the jaundice lights?? What did you name your son? I am assuming austin? Lol. Where are you from?
  • Where I live they have "courtesy rooms" my cousin who was also expecting had their little girl Feb.23 and wasn't due until June 5 and they stayed in one until the hospital needed the room. The baby weighed 1lb 13.6oz, has had 3 major surgeries, and now ways 4lbs 13oz and gets to come home in 2 weeks!! Its been a crazy ride for the entire family. Stay strong mamma:)
  • Check in to rooming at the hospital. One of my friesnd had her twin girls way to early and they were in the nicu for a very long time. She got to stay at the hospital with them for like 2 months or more. So deff look into it. I'm sorry that he is so early. I hope he gets better fast so you can take him home. Good luck.
  • His name is Austin he's definitely under lights he looks like a lil space cadet I'm actually on my way to see him now
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