
edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm now 23 weeks pregnant with my 4th child my kids are 8,6,& 4. My older 2 are usually at school from 8-3 everyday and I stay home with my youngest. Well,last day of school was Tuesday! My kids are well behaved but they do have normal sibling fights. So I was already overwhelmed with my hormones going crazy. Then my step mom says she won't be putting my little brother (8) in summer camp so she needs me to keep him from 6:30am-6:00pm! Ahhh. I love my brother but he is an only child and pretty stuck up and annoying. He only eats chicken nuggets and pizza and I don't feed my kids junk like that daily and don't feel like I should have to cater to his pickiness. My kids eat what I give them or nothing! Now today my sister in law calls and says she needs me to keep my 2 year old godson from today till Sunday night so she can gi on a last minute vacation. I have a major problem telling people no even though I can't get her or my step mom to help me with more than one of my kids at a time on the rare occasion that I need a sitter.And my step mom will only babysit at all if her 8 year old is okay with having one of the kids at his house!!! Id love to see her face if I told her"sorry I can't help you with your son this summer because my kids would rather him not come over" wtf. I feel so taken advantage of right now I could scream! Sorry so long my anxiety is kicking my butt right now and I needed to vent.


  • O wow I'm sorry that is not cool. I'm the same way I can't say no.... that is too many kids at once for watching them alone n being pregnant. I hope you get the strength u need to either watch them or stand up for your self I know where u r coming from all to well
  • Thanks @mommakk88 I'm hoping these raging hormones push me to finally say no but I feel like I'm going to blow up from holding it in for so long lol. My husband wants to call them and tell them that its too much and he doesn't want me doing it so I don't have to feel bad.:/
  • I just had a similar talk with my bf last night because the lady I babysit for is totally trying to take advantage of me. She is a single mom.and so was my mom so I feel for her but she wants me to babysit all day and her kids fight and don't listen and its stressful! Are they at least going to pay you? If you figure out a nice way to say no let me know. I have been using my pregnancy/medical issues as an excuse but I feel like I shouldn't have to be sick to say no! I hate feeling guilty and getting taken advantage of! Good luck!
  • @sdubois I would let him lol mine would do the same thing. I watch my best friends three yr old twice a week n just took on another friends nine month old I should have said no but its so hard! I'm almost eight months n I'm scared I'm guna go into labor when I have both kids! I know what you mean by blowing up lol I have done it once or twice sense I been preg I just couldn't keep it in n I felt so much better after.... maybe u just need to lol might help everyone out. I would let the hubby try first ;)
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  • @Steeny no they don't pay me,which isn't really the problem...it would be nice but they are family so I wouldn't feel right. But at least bring food for your picky kids! I shouldn't have to go shopping for junk because your kids won't eat anything but chicken nuggets or pizzaand only.drink soda which I don't even buy to tempt my kids!

    @mommakk88 Im going to let him talk to them I would hate to get into it with my step mom especially so is rather avoid it lol. And you are getting pretty close...maybe just tell them I mean what are you supposed to do if you go into sudden labor with other peoples kids?! People don't think sometimes geeze!

    @USMCwifemommy101107 thank you :) and I will I just hate that my emotions are getting the best of me and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. No one ever considers me "busy" because I'm a stay at home mom so they don't get that its an inconvince to add more kids to my list lol

    @lil_buggie_3 thanks I will its hard but it would be harder to deal with this all summer when I have to take care of my 3 and get ready for the new baby
  • That's wayy to much on your plate. I'd compromise and tell her twice a week and bring his lunches with..girl ur too nice!
    btw.. I'm gonna text ya in July for post baby body secrets..u do look great!
  • @sdubois I know right lol people don't always think I'm going to go have dinner with her tonight n I am going to ask wat she wants me to do if I do go into labor. I know with my best friends kid I can take her anywhere n her mom will come meet me or my mom would come pick her up but Idk about the nine month old I have only seen him once lol. but I'm going to try n bring it up at some point.
  • I think these people are rude for even asking. I would not let a child have something different to eat. All that does is set a bad example for your kids and its not fair he eats pizza and soda and they don't. Your brother probably wont want to be there if he doesn't get his way. I am still in shock that these people have enough nerve to put you in this position. I have a 15, 3, & almost 2 year old and all anybody says to me is I don't know how you do it. So I know for sure They would not be trying to give me more kids. In my opinion they deserved to be smacked in the head for being ignorant enough to ask. I really hope You tell them no and then ream them out for putting you in this position. They should be ashamed of themselves. Geez now you got me started.
  • hmm... i need a sitter for about 2 hrs today can i come drop my son off??!! lol! sorry but seems like u have a daycare going on in ur house! u need to speak up! i understand things happen and sitters bail and u might need to take them from time to time but this just seems crazy! id put my foot down! and for the picky eater lil bro... let his butt starve! hes not gonna die! he will eat at some point might take a few days but he will. when i babysit the kids eat what i make no exceptions if they dont then they can go hungry. if the parents have a problem find someone else to watch ur kids! and i normally watch peoples kids for free so find a sitter with cheaper rates then mine people!
  • @mama2be11_4_11 I just think if she realizes that They are in the wrong for asking then she wont feel bad.
  • @mommakk88 good luck maybe keeping so busy will help time pass by faster lol :)

    @mom60511 I agree! And i find it very unfair to my kids to sit there and watch another kid get different rules then they do...they would love to chug soda all day too lol. It also really irritates me that they have to know how hard i work to have a house hold of 3 young kids and a husband who works long hours and usually gets home when the kids are ready for bed,if they dont think I'm "busy" or work hard then why will they only offer to help me with one of my kids at a time(who are very well behaved) if I happen to need a sitter?? Because they are both mothers of one child and they cant handle it...why because its hard work! I get that not everyone is cut out for what i do but its so annoying! I've had to get baby sitters for not only my kids but also these two extra kids about a month ago because school was out that day and i had all 5 of them while I was sick with a stomach virus and started having contractions! My step mom couldnt leave work so it was either take them all with me to my doctor or beg my mother to keep them all...thank goodness she did lol.Sorry for more venting lol. I'm glad you understand that its hard work and I dont just sit home and hang out lol. My husband will be talking to the both of them later because he is more upset than I am over this and I just cant handle any more drama right now.

    @mandac10 Hahaha,no!! I know you would think that people would appreciate a free sitter and not take advantage of a good thing. I feel bad asking anyone to babysit for me even just to go to my doctor once a month because it seems to be an inconvenience to all of my family,so my husband has been taking a half day of work on the days i have to go in :/
  • I just hope you don't feel bad. I am really glad your husband is sticking up for you and realizes They are wrong.
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