Any Washington ladies???

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I'm pretty new on here. I'm 21 from Spokane, Wa. I currently live in the Tri-cities. I'm 7 weeks today!


  • @august22baby Everett? Are u by chance military? I know a few military people who were stationed there. It's nice up there. I'm heading to Auburn this weekend :)
  • I recently moved from the Tri-Cities and now currently live in Tacoma. I sure miss home!
  • Yeah, its pretty nice. We just bought our first house here in Benton City. It's quiet here.
  • Well, 2 others is a good outcome :/
  • I live on San Juan Island lol.
  • I'm assuming that's on the coast...never been there.
  • @august22baby that's cool. Sucks about Ur hubby tho. My best friend is in kawait right now on his 2nd deployment
  • I'm 20yrs old.. 34 weeks pregnant.. I live in tacoma=)
  • Ah cool. So there are a few of us. Ur guys friends act weird now that Ur prego?
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  • I definatly lost all my friends with my first baby last year. I only stayed friends with my best friend and barely talked to her. It does change a lot when you get pregnant.
  • edited May 2011
    Ah. I love the puyallup fair :) I want an elephant ear now :( @mama0811
  • @havin_a_girl it sucks. They all were happy for me and wanna throw me a shower, but then don't really talk to me now
  • I don't live there anymore but my mom and brothers still do so I'm out there a lot. We lived in bothell but they now live in mukiteo.
  • Ya it happens. It gets sad at times when you need someone to talk to and your friends aren't there anymore.
  • Yea its boring. I was always hanging with someone before and now they are all too buy I guess. O well
  • Wow, I've got some Pregly neighbors! I live in Lynnwood.
    I've noticed the lack of friends thing too. I've only been around my friends less than a dozen times since I got pregnant :/
  • 14 weeks with my 2nd an live in puyallup:)
  • edited May 2011
    @victoriab I love that name, that's what we r gonna name it if its a girl. and it really sux cuz we were all pretty close,but I can't drink anymore, so I guess I got outted. Lol
    @armywife88 are u excited? I can't wait til I'm further along.
    @august22baby ull have to go during fair season. Not sure when, but their fair is awesome.
  • It's a good name ;) a little too regal for my taste, but the only bad things I've heard from other kids was "hur hur hur, Victoria's Secret hur hur hur" or "Icky Vicky" but I never did go by Vicky. I guess the kids I went to school with weren't very inventive lol.
    I can't wait for the fair! I like going to see the animals :3
  • @victoriab
    I want an elephant ear pronto :( lol yeah. My moms name is vicki, so we chose Victoria lee.
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  • Yes excited I have a 15 month old yummy elephant ear sound so good right now :)
  • @armywife88 this is our first. We r so excited.
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