Whats for breakfast or brunch preggies?

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
Im having seasoned home fries with bacon and eggs over easy with some lemonade. Yummm :) I love eggs over easy.


  • Lemonade sounds AMAZING! I craved it at the beginning but, haven't thought of it in a while, lol.
  • @lucy_loo_288 I love it. Its super yummy I like to make it fresh but ive been so lazy lately so I just got the powdered kind lol
  • Lol.. one of my friends started making it for me (she was a waitress, so when I went to eat there, she would make it) when I first found out and it helped with the nausea, and it tasted so good! Then I got hooked on the chick-fa-la kind! I think I'm gonna be getting some today, lol.
  • Eggs, turkey bacon, cottage cheese and one slice of whole wheat toast with sugar free jam!
  • I really want burger king breakfast :-( but I guess plain ol eggs and cottage cheese with a bowl of cereal
  • Homemade Taco's.....Oh I'm starving I haven't ate in todays:-(
  • Mmm...that sounds good. Idk what I'm having yet.
  • I had a bagel with cream cheese, leftover pineapple chunks, and decaf coffee.
  • My boss got us breakfast cause we had an early meeting and it consisted of French toast, bacon, sausage, home fries, eggs, fruit and different kinds of pastries with OJ and coffee.
    It definitely made a pregnant woman's day!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Had sun chips for breakfast lol and McDonald's for lunch! Vanilla milkshake!!
  • French toast! Yum.
  • i made a small salad, and had 2 strawberry pop tarts too yumm!
  • Cup of chocolate milk for me :(
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