This is me and my boyfriends first baby and are looking for an exciting and fun way to tell our parents they have a grandbaby on the way. Any suggestions?
We told our parents at Christmas they r big hockey fans so we found baby slipper that had the team logo wrap them as a Christmas gift and they were very suprised it was great so maybe if u have a birthday coming up u could wrap a brag book or baby shoes and give that as a gift .
If you have/had early ultrasound frame a pic and wrap that for them to open..first pic of grandbaby...or you could wrap a couple baby items like burp cloths,bibs or lil socks :-) congrats!
I took a home test on christmas eve. As my mom was fixing to start picking up wrapping paper on christmas morning, I said hold on, one more thing. I went to my room and came out with a test She was so happy, this will be my first baby and her second grandchild.
did 3 things -for the great grandparents we got ultra sound frames and had them open them for thanksgiving diner. The now great-aunts got desk calenders with a card on the front that said something along the lines of you would never forget a birthday but since the list is getting so long we thought you might need a new callander. And for the great great aunts we used wedding invites from micheals and put the ultra sound picture in it.
How would you recomend i tell my parents I'm expecting? They won't be happy about it and it doesn't help that I'm an emotional wreck my fiance is finshing tech school in the Air Force so i have no help there either I'm guilty that i havent told them but I'm scared please help!
We ended up telling both sets of parents this weekend. My boyfriend proposed to me at universal and had them all there hiding so we decided to just tell them that news also. We aren't engaged because of the pregnancy, but they know that and thats what's important. They were shocked, but happy.