@awhaley28540 awww go team pink im having a lil girl too. as long as dates r right normally my guesses r rite congrats n thanks for letting me kno if im right or wrong.
Chinese Gender charts said boy and every prdiction test I done said boy, it was right. Though I really wanted a girl. But I'm fine with a boy. Just can't wait to meet him
@MrsThompson34 that is so incorrect lol im so team ♂ⓑⓛⓤⓔ♂ I had a ultrasound and a amnoi...lol thanks tho hun...everything says im having a girl but thank god im not!
I'm 19 years old and my little man is due between August 29 and September 12, 2011. I used a Chinese Calendar to help me determine the gender of my baby. I knew that the only way to tell was to actually have the baby, because U/S's aren't even 100% accurate. A week after the Chinese Calendar told me that I was having a little girl, I had a gender anatomy U/S (4D), which clearly showed a little boy(:
@2boiz_1gurl girl
please update me ladies n good luck.
Lol. Yes just wanted to see if u were right. And you are!!!
@everyone hit me on my page if u want me to predict feel bad cuz this aint my post. thanks
please everyone else I will not answer anymore prediction on this page. hit me on mines thanks.
Due date: 01 August 2011