edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I couldnt find a multiples section, but i went in for my first u/s today @12 5days and found out im having twins!!!! it was very unexpected and such a huge blessing. Where are all the other ladies expecting twins or more? They couldnt tell yet if they are identical or fraternal. im excited!!


  • Congratulations!
  • Congratulations!
  • very cool! lol
  • @decbaby_87- what a blessing!! Congrats:)
  • Congrats!!! That's so exciting!!
  • Congrats! How have your symptoms been? Do you have morning sickness bad?
  • Its a big blessing. I lost my first and only son to SIDS about 2.5yrs ago and so im finally actually believing that everything happens for a reason.
  • @kat1223 i have been extremely emotional, the smallest things make me cry and i had bad acid reflux this whole time but it hasnt been that bad lately. i have constant ms and all i want to do is sleep but all those symptoms seem like a normal pregnancy to me. Seeing TWO babies on the screen on the u/s was a huge shock.
  • Aww congrats! I miscarried my first at almost five months so when we got our twins it made life make so much more sense. I've totally been in your shoes its an amazing adventure. If you ever need advice feel free to message me!
  • im sorry to hear that @octobermama i carried my first to full term, perfectly healthy baby boy, he was born 8lbs 9oz so it was very hard to lose him after having him in my life for 2 and a half months. i havent been the same since and have hated mothers day the past 2yrs but now i feel happiness and will be able to celebrate his life more and i look forward to being a mom once again but now to 2 babies!!! Sorry not trying to make a sad post.
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